cybershot1989 Wrote:I've never really looked into a ps2 emulator so I wouldnt know which one to use if there were multiple ones out there. Do you mind recommending one of them for me?
Pcsx2 is the only one that really does anything at all. It can probably run like 1/2 the games out there, not regarding the speed. None of the others can really run any commercial games.
BUT depending on the game, u will need a very strong computer to run most games propperly.
If u want to hope to run anything at perfect speeds, your cpu needs to be VERY strong, like a high end core 2 duo. u don't really need a good gpu though, anything that supports pixel shader 3 will do.
My mom has a laptop with a E5500 core 2 duo, and i can only get FFX to run at about 25-60 fps, depending on area. Average of like 40. The graphics card was a Radeon X1700, but graphics card is not important for PS2 emulation. My comp can only get 5 fps because i can't do pixel shader 2, which is required.
So u will need a very powerful machine to get it to run on full speed. It's not impossible. Many people have claimed they have done it before.
cybershot1989 Wrote:Ontopic I would say that emerald weapon was about the only boss that made me want to eat my controller and toss the console out the window.
i personally cheated ^.^. Hacked save file. But if u really want to do it without cheating:
(1) There's the knights of the round method. This involves getting all your charactors heaps of knights of the round materia, equipping all of them, pairing them with the counter materia. Each time he attacks u, u counter with 8x knights of the round.
(2) The 7777 Method. Way cooler than the Knights of the round method. This involves getting all your charactos to 7777Hp. U can do this by casting toad on yourself and hitting yourself for 1 damage until u can potion yourself to 7777HP. Use Cloud, Barret and Cid. Cloud on Omnislash, Barret on Angermax, Cid on Highwind, all limit breaks ready. Equip urself with sneak attack, quandra magic and commet materias. Start battle. U will get into all 7 lucky mode, now all your attacks will do exactly 7777 unpreventable, undodgable damage. Sneak attacks on commet 2 goes off = 7777x4x4 damage (if it doesn't just start battle again. u have like 80% chance). Use 7777 beserk mode, this is where a charactor in 7777 mode attacks, he will do 64 straight attacks of 7777 damage each, it can only be used once every battle. That's 64x7777 damage, and then use the limit breaks, (15+18+18)x7777 damage. Bye bye Emerald. He won't even have the time to hit u once, since sneak attack, beserk mode and limit breaks all have priority over normal moves.
The 2nd method is way cooler, since u only need 1 sneak attack materia, 2 commet materias, and 1 quandra magic materia, and that's it, u don't even need them mastered. The 1st method will require u to have 8 knights of the round materia (try getting that without cheating) and lots of other materia.
Both methods can also be used on ruby, tweaking them a bit.
OR, u can cheat like me.