Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Want to increase your derp size?:) [Part 2]
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*xBu is having delicious cookies...
I'm pretty sure 13th protector is a kid (probably 13 years old), it's why I've been keeping calm instead of out-bursting at each and everyone of his really dumb posts.

Like with Rawrsor and Jammz
*Nyu~ Madwin
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm pretty sure 13th protector is a kid (probably 13 years old), it's why I've been keeping calm instead of out-bursting at each and everyone of his really dumb posts.

Like with Rawrsor and Jammz

Actually according to his profile he's 16.  Also, he has the same birthday as me :O

*Nyu~ is entertained
Oh hai Steven.. I mean Nyu~

*xBu sits in the corner...
* eKusoshisut0 joins xBu

Hi eKusoshisut0

*Nyu~ just want to rest today Bathing
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Like with Rawrsor and Jammz

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