Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Want to increase your derp size?:) [Part 2]
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I pity them who live there
They also have eggs... just look at togepi. That's what they eat for breakfast every morning.
I run my computer off Electrodes.  Infinite free power For the win.
Can I borrow a few?
Just find some at the local power plant.  It's totally unguarded.
You could even get an electric bird.  Seems silly, but they sell for heaps.
Unguarded? Power plant?!

*xBu makes the Electrodes explode...
Fortunately I taught my Electrode Tail Wag and it forgot Explode.
Oh, and Electrodes don't have tails either.  Silly Pokemon with 4 move brains.
What? a electrode that can't explode..... O.O
It can. if you believe.
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