Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Want to increase your derp size?:) [Part 2]
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Joker being Joker.
St0rMaGe Wrote: [ -> ]

Joker being Joker.

Welcome to 4 years ago?
St0rMaGe Wrote: [ -> ]

Joker being Joker.

Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to 4 years ago?

I just finished watching The Dark Knight Movie for the second time....
And that video is the best scene in the movie.

LeRawr Wrote: [ -> ]TADAA.
Its Magic Gone!
The Joker?
I don't see the image... or video....
13thprotector Wrote: [ -> ]The Joker?
I don't see the image... or video....

here's the link of the video
Youtube is blocked on my computer.... :(
13thprotector Wrote: [ -> ]Youtube is blocked on my computer.... :(

I know, it's horrible.  Run
Sucks to be you :/
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