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Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think you should look for too much meaning in Slice-of-Life.. in these cases it usually just works off the ideas of nice friendships and the meaning of friendship.

lol... i could get it in K-On, but not in A-Channel
I didn't actually watch A-Channel so no comment. :3
just watched medaka box eps 1 and uchuu kyoudai eps 1 :
- uchuu kyoudai : good drama about family and way of life, better than expected.
- medaka box : I've never read the manga,, so I wouldn't compare it.
overall it's unique and interesting. a bit too fast paced (so many things happened in 1 eps), maybe because it's not given enough airing plan/episodes?
doesn't seem to exploit ecchi scenes to increase its rating (yet) although it's still zooming at boobs for couple times

I'll include both in my watch list
ezunyan Wrote: [ -> ]just watched medaka box eps 1 and uchuu kyoudai eps 1 :
- uchuu kyoudai : good drama about family and way of life, better than expected.
- medaka box : I've never read the manga,, so I wouldn't compare it.
overall it's unique and interesting. a bit too fast paced (so many things happened in 1 eps), maybe because it's not given enough airing plan/episodes?
doesn't seem to exploit ecchi scenes to increase its rating (yet) although it's still zooming at boobs for couple times

I'll include both in my watch list

I've read the manga and they actually followed it (well not entirely some of the scenes has been change a bit from the original one Hihi)
Watched the 1st episode of Fate/Zero 2nd season (ie. episode 14).  Seems like the real shit is about to start.  Production value is still as high as ever, and the OP/ED songs are very much win.

The flying UFO thing was sort of lol, but the fight that ensued made up for it.

Also, BD rips for the 1st season are out, notable because more than 1/2 the episodes had original content not in the TV broadcast.  Especially episode 11.

Also uncensored, but all you see is some still images of dead bodies, a bucket of blood, and a rolling head.  Very much tame compared to the real stuff that goes on in the original light novels (and the manga adaptation).

You ever wondered what really happened in Ryuunosuke's hideout?  What really happens to the children he abducts?
Spoiler for what you don't get to see in the anime, (NSFW, and not because of boobs):
Spoiler for it's unpleasant, I warned you.  Unless you're PB, then you'll love it:
[Image: 3146db57.jpg]
[Image: 3c59cb9a.jpg]
[Image: d8e7c48b.jpg]
That's her intestines by the way
[Image: a5e4244e.jpg]
[Image: 1f848647.jpg]
[Image: 8765f370.jpg]
[Image: 3bc76ba9.jpg]
That wasn't so bad, but maybe because it wasn't in colour.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]That wasn't so bad, but maybe because it wasn't in colour.

Bad enough that it will never get into any anime.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]That wasn't so bad, but maybe because it wasn't in colour.

Bad enough that it will never get into any anime.

Not a televised one, anyway.
watched accel world,, hella freakin awesome show
normal city (compared to today's technology) in near future with very hi-tech computer networking.
overall it's like a fusion of C and .hack. I'm expecting it to have a good plot as well
Accel World Ep1: Can't help thinking about missed opportunity. Ignoring that, it was decent but I hope it gets better.
Upotte!! Ep1: Cute girls who seem to be guns in a way themselves.. shooting guns with fanservice on top. Wasn't particularly entertaining so it matched my expectation.
Acchi Kocchi Ep1: Ridiculously adorable. Cute/moe overload but the clincher is that it's actually funny. Sticking with this.
Polar Bear Cafe Ep1: Weird concept but I have no problem with it. Punny in some cases but not particularly funny. Will give it another ep though.
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