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PLOT is the only reason why I'm watching Medaka Box.  I was considering dropping it altogether, until I watched episode 6 Flatterd
suddenly many ppl come =D
hyouka seems getting good response here too o.O
Didn't know Hadena were meant to be that poor - been using them with Zombie and the releases seem half decent. Guess I'll switch to Commie.. ~_~

I'm watching Doki subs for Sankarea.
others say they improve but i still dislike them Hihi

i blame their previous works Hahaha
Hadena is pretty terrible but don't tell them that because they will RAGE
Hadena and Hatsuyuki are terrible.

Doki is also really bad, they take forever and still produce translations with far more mistakes than speedsubs.
Noted - I'll switch to another group for Sankarea as well, then. Thanks.
I've been watching Acchi Kocchi on Youtube, which group should I be looking for if I want to download it?  This is definitely a keeper.  And I want someone to make those figures at the end credits, I'm buying  all of 'em!
Tsumiki is probably your best bet.
Eveyuu have more good subs in Sankarea (i also like Commie but Eveyuu is much better)

anyways Currently watching Kuroko's Basketball, wow i get hook with this series, ive never been hooked in a sports anime since Slamdunk and Hajime no Ippo

ive backread and maybe im the only one watching Kuroko's Basketball? hehehe
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