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Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]I am not sure this has already been posted,............. but it is DEF related to the thread,. i think,...

Quote:Gamestop Now Taking Sony NGP Pre-Orders for $299

this prob means the PSP2 will cost 300 euro over here since sony does't make a difference between $$ and euro's,.... Knock-knock

edit: its not confirmed,.. its a gamespot price tag,..


Good pricing, I might buy one.
Ninja88 Wrote: [ -> ]
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]I am not sure this has already been posted,............. but it is DEF related to the thread,. i think,...

Quote:Gamestop Now Taking Sony NGP Pre-Orders for $299

this prob means the PSP2 will cost 300 euro over here since sony does't make a difference between $$ and euro's,.... Knock-knock

edit: its not confirmed,.. its a gamespot price tag,..


Good pricing, I might buy one.

The hardware is impressive but without good software to go with it then there's no reason to go for it.

Let's see what software it'll get (PLEASE HAVE AN IMPROVED BROWSER) - launch line-up info needed!
Properbritish, i made you a picture :3
[Image: properbritish.png]
id use a pm instead of derailing the thread topic.

Nice pic anyway

senseitp7 Wrote:Let's see what software it'll get (PLEASE HAVE AN IMPROVED BROWSER) - launch line-up info needed!

yea it better have a fantastically better web browser.
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 14348NGPf.jpg]
Oh dear...
That's just asking to be broken (without some sort of case)...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 14348NGPf.jpg]
Oh dear...
That's just asking to be broken (without some sort of case)...

as i mentioned on the other thread, i hear they are suppose to push down and click into place. However its just rumour. Sonys gonna tell more at E3 2011.
I see.

I presume no release date has been set yet?
Probably just still around Christmas 2011.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I see.

I presume no release date has been set yet?
Probably just still around Christmas 2011.

Yeah, "Holidays 2011" is what Kaz said.

That probably means that Europe and North America will be getting it later again.
Don't worry, Australia will be served a year later like always.  No-one cares about this island in the southern hemisphere anyway (for reference, PSP was launched here in late December 2005; I bought it on Dec 27, pretty much about 1-2 weeks after its launch).
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 14348NGPf.jpg]
Oh dear...
That's just asking to be broken (without some sort of case)...

as i mentioned on the other thread, i hear they are suppose to push down and click into place. However its just rumour. Sonys gonna tell more at E3 2011.

if that's the case, its more on a dual shock 2/3 controller

ive seen the one that the first picture was photoshopped, lol

the real picture

[Image: sony-ngp-hands2-dsc0149-rm-eng.jpg]

and i wonder how big is his pocket, lol

[Image: sony-ngp-hands2-dsc0151-rm-eng.jpg]
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