Post all the funny quotes you find!
Oscar Wilde on Microsoft Wrote:The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is the day they make a vacuum cleaner.
Double post- Source: []
oh oh and also add
Knowledge is power
Double postlol idk who said it but I did!
Double postand im going to think of more to add, cause I hate seeing the same ones all the time
also add
milk is white...jk =]
If Microsoft made a vacuum cleaner, it wouldn't suck....because they suck.
y would someone want to make something that cleans vacuums? just buy another vacuum and make it clean ur other vacuum and name it the Vacuum Cleaner!
lol double you tee eff
what i a vaccuum supposed to do?
so if MS would make one, it wouldnt (suck). because it sucks.
There once wos a man from nantucket...
Lol, first quote added :P
Ask me no "Q's and I'll tell you no lies
more from oscar wilde on :D