On my quest for popstation converters i came across a classic one, from which i never heard before... Copstation Mod v.2.21
I als found Paladin v1.3, which is a PAL to NTSC converter, check post #3 for that.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
|| || || ''
|| .|''|, '||''|, ('''' ''||'' '''|. ''||'' || .|''|, `||''|,
|| || || || || `'') || .|''|| || || || || || ||
`|....' `|..|' ||..|' `...' `|..' `|..||. `|..' .||. `|..|' .|| ||.
.|| Coldbird Popstation Mod V2.21
Coded and Maintained by Coldbird [vanburace@gmail.com]
Credits go to... [Dark_Alex] - for the Basic Idea and Conversion Method
[Tinnus] - for the CDDA Fix - AKA TOC Converter
[Coldbird] - for EVERYTHING else
Now 3.03 OE-C (and newer) only! If you want to use this
with a lower Firmware Version, extract the DATA.PSP from
a BASE.PBP of your Choice and place it in the same Place
as your PSX Game / Images.
Thanks to Dark_Alex' 3.03 OE-C, no more KEYS.BIN is needed.
It's a command tool converter, usage:
For Packing : popstation title gamecode compressionlevel inputfile.iso
For ISO-Extraction : popstation -iso outputfile.iso
Put files in same location as the image you want to convert.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Writing Header...
Checking if TEKKEN.ccd exists...
Applying EBOOT Name Patch on PARAM.SFO [TEKKEN]...
Writing PARAM.SFO...
Writing Main-Executeable DATA.PSP...
No External DATA.PSP Found - Including Internal DarkAlex DATA.PSP
Writing PSX ISO Header...
Writing Indexes...
Writing PSX CD Dump...
Processing... [0554MB|0000MB]
Writing STARTDAT Header...
Writing P.O.P.S. Standard Logo...
Writing STARTDAT Footer...
It converts very quick, no fancy background, pics or movies in your converted eboot, just a basic start-up screen.
Only downside i found until now is that the converted eboots don't run on my PSPGO.
And i still have problems with popstation on the PSPGO because i don't have sound, only through my headphone :(
Coldbird was also working on Paladin, a Pal to NTSC converter but i wasn't able to find it :(
(This post was last modified: 01/12/2011 04:49 AM by bluewave.)
30/11/2011 07:38 AM
Able One
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There's a newer version floating around, i just found it, it's v1.3.
This app converts PAL images to NTSC format images (screen adjustment and 60Hz).
(01/12/2011 07:58 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: There was only *one* popstation, just different interfaces.
There's now a multi-disc version - IDK whether this one incorporates that.
(02/12/2011 03:14 AM)krystabegnalie Wrote: isn't zinga's simple popstation GUI has the pal to ntsc conversion also?
Yes...but i think almost all the guis had...PSX2PSP also has the pal to ntsc patches
I was born with a d*ck in my brain, yeah ,f*cked in the head
Phat PSP 1004 TA-079 v3 + Sony 16GB Mark II + tiltFX with 6.60 ME 1.6 + leda 0.2 Phat PS3 CECHG04 40GB (750GB int. + 500GB ext.) with REBUG 3.55.2 OTHEROS++ iPhone 3G 8GB jailbroken with iOS 4.2.1 PS2 Slim model SCPH-75004 + Free McBoot 1.8b + uLaunchELF v4.42 + ESR beta r9b