Platform 9A4Q 5.00 M33 / 6.60 Pro-C / Adren-SLIM
12/03/2025 07:42 AM Posted by: BigDaddyWeaves in PSP Theme Releases
Platform 9A4Q (Platform 9 And 4 Quarters) CTF Release

Compatible Firmware
5.00 M33 / 6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 Adrenaline SLIM Vitas
*** No need to use the 6.60 Firmware with the Vita anymore***
I've made a special CTF available for download "P9A4Q-AdrenSLIM.ctf"
to not confuse anyone.

I could not make a 6.61 (Infinity) or PHAT Vita CTF of this theme. I haven't the time anymore.
This will most likely be my last release? Who knows maybe sometime in the future!?

Best if used with Game Categories Lite (Contextual view/mode)

Hope you enjoy it!

[Image: bskers4.png]

Attached File(s)
.ctf  P9A4Q-5.00.ctf (Size: 6.02 MB / Downloads: 6)
.ctf  P9A4Q-6.60.ctf (Size: 6.22 MB / Downloads: 5)
.ctf  P9A4Q-AdrenSLIM.ctf (Size: 6.22 MB / Downloads: 5)
  No Replies
CoolRikka Takanashi Theme
02/05/2024 08:21 PM Posted by: Theme Arena in PSP Theme Releases
I just wanted to share these 2 Rikka themes I made. When I was designing, I got torn between standard icons and custom ones. So I've decided to make both, hope you enjoy! I was so happy with the results, I wanted to share them, so I literally created an account to lol.

Attached File(s)
.ptf  Rikka Takanashi Eith Rikka Icons.ptf (Size: 467.32 KB / Downloads: 630)
.ptf  Rikka Takanashi.ptf (Size: 451.51 KB / Downloads: 416)
  Replies (3)
 Darth Vader PSP Persuader 5.00 M33 / 6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 ∞ (Infinity) /
06/02/2022 05:47 AM Posted by: BigDaddyWeaves in PSP Theme Releases
Darth Vader PSP Persuader CTF Release
5.00 M33 / 6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 ∞ (Infinity) / 6.61 Adrenaline Release:

Best if used with Game Categories Lite (Contextual view/mode)

Visit the website for more information and credits:

5.00 M33 / 6.61 Adrenaline Preview:
[Image: 68hBmDC.png]

6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 Infinity Preview:
[Image: 5vcDv7Y.png]

This theme is not for PSP Go's.
Too many glitches. Also the game boot I hear glitches and turns to a solid white screen.
Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about that, I could make the game boot shorter.
Let me know what you think of the theme anyway I tried my hardest to make it compatible
for PSP 1K, 2K and 3K and of course PS Vita's Adrenaline. NOT the PSP Go.

If you're using the Adrenaline file the theme is only complete with SLIM Vitas.
PHAT Vitas show the Extras category while the SLIM Vitas do basically, if you try on a PHAT Vita
you end up with a Digital Comics icon by itself with no Category icons (or as I like to call it - the dock) below.
This is something I've just noticed as I've just started using my PHAT Vita to test out themes of mine.

This is the case with my other themes:
- Curtain Call Brawl
- Pokémon SoulSilver
- God of Themes

Attached File(s)
.ctf  Darth Vader PSPPv500.ctf (Size: 7.87 MB / Downloads: 1460)
.ctf  Darth Vader PSPPv660.ctf (Size: 7.84 MB / Downloads: 1523)
.ctf  Darth Vader PSPPv661.ctf (Size: 7.8 MB / Downloads: 1576)
.ctf  Darth Vader PSPP-Adren.ctf (Size: 7.79 MB / Downloads: 1201)
  Replies (5)
 Curtain Call Brawl 5.00 M33 / 6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 ∞ (Infinity) / 6.61 Ad
25/04/2021 07:22 AM Posted by: BigDaddyWeaves in PSP Theme Releases
Curtain Call Brawl
5.00 M33 / 6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 ∞ (Infinity) / 6.61 Adrenaline Release:

Best if used with Game Categories Lite (Contextual view/mode)
Hopefully, I'm able to fix this little bug I'll be sure to post the fix when/if it gets done.
You'll see what I mean if you try to go to multiple MS option on Game Categories Lite.

Post Release Announcement:
Okay so after TESTING this theme it seems there are quite a few bugs! I will be fixing them over the next week or two.
Hopefully able to correct everything and I'll upload brand new files for everyone to download.
I know this is probably my most popular theme thus far so wait for the newer-ish download.
Taking down the downloads for right now, they should be back up soon with the correctly functioning theme!

Post Re-release announcement:
Okay so after trying very hard to shave down these themes to free up resource space to make things work
a little smoother and not have so many glitches...I have come to the realization that I simply cannot fix the
bugs that are in not only this theme but my Pokemon SoulSilver theme. The best bet is to just have
Categories Lite set to Contextual Menu and scroll through your apps and games that way. I really wish
I could have fixed the problems but I simply don't know how. I'm a graphic designer,
not really a PSP expert, I happen to know JUST enough to make themes. I hope someone can step in and
fix these themes because as of right now the only one I see posting themes is me. A little help would be
greatly appreciated! Thank you all for your understanding in the matter the files will be re-uploaded as
they were originally.

Visit the website for more information and credits:

5.00 M33 / 6.61 Adrenaline Preview:
[Image: lPRdVP4.png]

6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 Infinity Preview:
[Image: BPaKkB5.png]

If you're using the Adrenaline file the theme is only complete with SLIM Vitas.
PHAT Vitas show the Extras category while the SLIM Vitas do basically, if you try on a PHAT Vita
you end up with a Digital Comics icon by itself with no Category icons (or as I like to call it - the dock) below.
This is something I've just noticed as I've just started using my PHAT Vita to test out themes of mine.

This is the case with my other themes:
- Darth Vader PSP Persuader
- Pokémon SoulSilver
- God of Themes

Attached File(s)
.ctf  Curtain Call Brawlv500.ctf (Size: 6.29 MB / Downloads: 1488)
.ctf  Curtain Call Brawlv660.ctf (Size: 6.22 MB / Downloads: 1491)
.ctf  CurtainCall Brawl-Infin.ctf (Size: 6.22 MB / Downloads: 1446)
.ctf  Curtain Call Brawl-Adren.ctf (Size: 6.21 MB / Downloads: 1360)
  No Replies
 Pokemon SoulSilver 5.00 M33 / 6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 ∞ (Infinity) / 6.61 Ad
27/01/2021 05:51 AM Posted by: BigDaddyWeaves in PSP Theme Releases
Pokemon SoulSilver
5.00 M33 / 6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 ∞ (Infinity) / 6.61 Adrenaline Release:

Visit the website for more information and credits:

5.00 M33 / 6.61 Adrenaline Preview:
[Image: r5sg01s.png]

6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 Infinity Preview:
[Image: XxFGYN4.png]

Just realized this theme has some of the same bugs as the Brawl theme.
If you notice anything fishy please let me know via PM/DM or by simply commenting, (if you're a member!)

If you're using the Adrenaline file the theme is only complete with SLIM Vitas.
PHAT Vitas show the Extras category while the SLIM Vitas do basically, if you try on a PHAT Vita
you end up with a Digital Comics icon by itself with no Category icons (or as I like to call it - the dock) below.
This is something I've just noticed as I've just started using my PHAT Vita to test out themes of mine.

This is the case with my other themes:
- Darth Vader PSP Persuader
- Curtain Call Brawl
- God of Themes

Attached File(s)
.ctf  Pokemon SoulSilverv500.ctf (Size: 6.33 MB / Downloads: 1561)
.ctf  Pokemon SoulSilverv660.ctf (Size: 6.43 MB / Downloads: 2015)
.ctf  Pokemon SoulSilver-Infin.ctf (Size: 6.43 MB / Downloads: 1608)
.ctf  Pokemon SoulSilver-Adren.ctf (Size: 6.34 MB / Downloads: 1493)
  Replies (1)
 Neo Circular Shock 6.60 / Adrenaline CTF Release
21/08/2020 03:57 AM Posted by: BigDaddyWeaves in PSP Theme Releases
Theme Name: "Neo Circular Shock"
ALL NEW collaboration for PSP / Adrenaline!
Created by:
Darren Green
Rodney Smith
James Weaver

Visit the website for more information and credits:

Inspired by Original Theme: "Circular" (Mainly used for 3.## firmware only)
Neo Circular ShockV3 Preview Image:
[Image: jyfRr8p.png]

Darren: Unable to be converted to modern firmware, wee redesigned this thing from scratch,
making improvements along the way.
Redesigning the circular menu entirely...
Rodney: Increasing the icons from 6 to 8.
Darren: Giving the theme a futuristic/sci-fi vibe
(including a battery icon that goes through the phases of the Moon as the battery depletes).
The moon battery icon idea was ALL Rodney's though!!
The name, 'Neo' means New, 'Circular' refers to/gives credit to the theme that wee took inspiration from,
and 'Shock' is short for Nulshock, which was the font chosen for the theme.
Rodney: The last detail wee added was to have a small planet slide back and forth horizontally when the PSP is USB connected to a PC.

James: The team that put this together (Darren, Rodney and myself) worked very hard to create this theme
and wee three hope you all enjoy it as much as wee do.

Tools Used:
CTFtoolGUI v5 Beta3 – patpat & ErikPshat
PRXeditor – patpat
RCOedit / RCOmage  - ZiNgA BuRgA
XMB Multi Customizer – Takeshi
FHacker093 - Freeplay and Skylark
PSP Theme Converter – SONY
and many others that I haven't mentioned

Adobe Products Used
1) Photoshop CS3 (Editing icons) / GIMP was used by Darren Green to create the
category icons. Everything else was made with Photoshop by James Weaver.
2) Fireworks CS3 (Saving all .PSD files to .PNG files for .RCO files)
3) Dreamweaver CS3 (Editing .XML files from .RCO's)

The moon battery icon finally animates!! Wee call it V3

Attached File(s)
.ctf  NeoCircularShock660V3.ctf (Size: 3.98 MB / Downloads: 2047)
  Replies (6)
 God of Themes 5.00 M33 / 6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 ∞ (Infinity) / 6.61 Adrenal
01/08/2020 02:33 PM Posted by: BigDaddyWeaves in PSP Theme Releases
God of Themes
5.00 M33 / 6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 ∞ (Infinity) / 6.61 Adrenaline Release:

Visit the website for more information and credits:

5.00 M33 / 6.61 Adrenaline Preview:
[Image: SilzX3a.png]

6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 Infinity Preview:
[Image: nVxjgGn.png]

If you're using the Adrenaline file the theme is only complete with SLIM Vitas.
PHAT Vitas show the Extras category while the SLIM Vitas do basically, if you try on a PHAT Vita
you end up with a Digital Comics icon by itself with no Category icons (or as I like to call it - the dock) below.
This is something I've just noticed as I've just started using my PHAT Vita to test out themes of mine.

This is the case with my other themes:
- Darth Vader PSP Persuader
- Curtain Call Brawl
- Pokémon SoulSilver

Attached File(s)
.ctf  God of Themesv500.ctf (Size: 6.76 MB / Downloads: 1722)
.ctf  God of Themesv660.ctf (Size: 6.61 MB / Downloads: 1933)
.ctf  God of Themes-Infin.ctf (Size: 6.75 MB / Downloads: 2059)
.ctf  God of Themes-Adren.ctf (Size: 6.6 MB / Downloads: 1737)
  Replies (1)
 Haunted Haunter 6.61 (Adrenaline) / 6.60 Pro-C CTF Release
17/02/2020 10:13 AM Posted by: BigDaddyWeaves in PSP Theme Releases
Haunted Haunterv6.xx
PS Vita 6.61 (Adrenaline) / 6.60 Pro-C CTF Release

Visit the website for more information and credits:

[Image: mLbdA03.png]

Concept & Design
& whoever made the
Graffiti Montage theme
as I used its spacing
and UI for my base

- This also doubles as 6.60 CTF for PSP

Wave and background mod
taken from: mugi (Thanks!)
This time I used a different color wave!
I got tired of always using the blue one. Haha
Background made by me:
BigDaddyWeaves of course!!

Tools Used:
CTFtoolGUI v5 Beta3 – patpat & ErikPshat
PRXeditor – patpat
RCOedit - ZiNgA BuRgA
RCOmage - ZiNgA BuRgA
XMB Multi Customizer – Takeshi
FHacker093 - Freeplay and Skylark
PSP Theme Converter – SONY
and many others that I haven't
mentioned THANK YOU ALL

Gameboot Tools
1) avi2wav
2) UMD Stream Composer
3) MPS to Gameboot
4) SUPER converter

Adobe Products Used
1) Photoshop CS3 (Editing sprites, creating wallpaper)
2) Fireworks CS3 (Saving all .png files for .rco’s)
3) Dreamweaver CS3 (Editing .xml files from .rco's)
4) Premiere Pro CS3 (Editing and making gameboot)

All icons provided by

Custom Gameboot
I simply faded in the GAME FREAK Logo and
added a sound effect from the game

All custom click sounds provided by
A great collection of sounds I found notably on YouTube
that I trimmed and edited for use with this theme.
(I think they sound rather good myself)

Custom Font - Agenda-Black.otf by Greg Thompson (1993) - used this again because I love how clean it looks.

Attached File(s)
.ctf  Haunted Haunterv6.xx.ctf (Size: 5.88 MB / Downloads: 2195)
  Replies (5)

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