(20/04/2011 10:19 AM)xero1 Wrote: It has nothing to do with deep thinking while being high. It's a general state of mind. Reading some of Hellgiver's past posts you can see that it's not a weed based deep thinking like "WOW man, the sky is so big" "The colors are so cool".
It may be me being tired, but i did not get this; so are you saying that he's not under the influence of drugs atm when writing this post?
(20/04/2011 10:19 AM)xero1 Wrote: The people that that have never and will never smoke weed tend to believe the BS that has been spoon fed to them.
Naw, I have never smoked weed and will never smoke weed; I don't even drink alcohol or the likes. Why? It's a drug, it affects your mind and body and whatever you say you cannot deny that it's something that affects you. I'm ok with people indulging in different things and having a fun time, it's not my right to point out how they should live their lives.
But please, many people who do not do drugs are of sound mind; they can make choices, choices of THEIR OWN without being affected by any EXTERNAL agent. I get your idea of indulging in new things, closing off ones mind to new experiences does hamper one's understanding of the world; but this, unfortunately has nothing to do with taking weed.
Indulging in an experience that affects you like any other person is not truth, you're simply a conformist to an indulgence you seem to not want to drop. What is truth? Well, that's simply such a general term that i can't even comprehend as to what you meant by that. I'm a person who likes to live without needing the necessity of relying on a drug to affect my mind in such a way, so i think in a certain fashion. I make my own damn choices free of any external pressure, if I'm affecting myself the way others who have done it a thousand times before; in what ways will that experience make me different from them?
No, I do not take words for granted from people nor do i need to have some external agent to get me to "see the truth" better, i think best when i am myself, the chemical processes in my body are controlled by what my body is comprised of and not what I'm feeding into it. I also understand things not from the explanations of others, but from what _I_ derive and understand from the knowledge presented; yes, people who just take an explanation are ignorant when they don't seek to understand in their own terms.
P.S. Yeah, i think i went overboard with this post; forgive me if anything is found offensive, I can also shorten the argument if you'd like as well, sometimes things are better explained in a few sentences.
I know somethings are redundant, I do not care to fix them atm. :P
Gonna get lots of hate for the weed post, i know a lot of you guys do it ;)
Now smoking weed to have fun? Yeah that's totally normal, i have no basis of argument against that.
On to the topic, Hellgiver, like many people in this thread; if she was taking these problems to others without consulting you then obviously it's not a relationship anymore. Lots of people go throughout their lives finding people they think they want to be with and then getting dropped harshly; it's not a bad thing in the long run (well it is for the time it happens, which is now), but like you said with the cliche, this pain is showing you WHO you are and WHO you want to be with. I'm not telling you to get over it, I'm telling you _will_ get over it and discover what really means what to you.