I'm not sure if anyone is wishing to do this right now, but I'll post it up anyway (can always extend timeframes etc).
In short, the aim of this "contest" (if it actually turns out to be one) is to add random subtitles to a small segment of anime, preferably something amusing. Contestants can add absolutely anything they want in regards to subtitles (eg a parody, completely unrelated topic etc). Contestants submit a subtitle file (eg SRT, donkey etc; fonts may also be included if used) as their entry.
For further details and examples from round 1, see the following links in the quote below.
Quoting from
previous thread:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Have been planning to do another round of this so made this thread in preparation.
The first round didn't go so well so I'll be trying to make things easier for this round.
For those who missed the first round, here's the threads for reference purposes:
This time, I'll be putting up 3 videos instead of one. Contestants pick one (or more if you want) and add subtitles in any way they like. Like last time, it can be your interpretation of the show, an alternative story or just random rubbish; anything you like really. I'll include translation subtitles though, this time, to give the opportunity to create parodies too.
The selected videos will be about the first 10 minutes from the first episodes of various shows - I've also included OPs, but adding subs for these is optional.
I've endured to get first episodes, as to not spoil the story if you actually intend to watch it some time later.
I plan to initially have this up for two weeks, but may be extended if deemed necessary.
As Sparker pointed out, dubbing is fine if you can actually be bothered doing it.
Also, partially complete entries are also accepted.
Here are the videos (pick one or more of these and screw around with them :P). Again, all of these are the first episode.
EDIT: The original scripts inside the MKVs can be found
here. Saves you the effort of timing it yourselves (unless you want to for leaning purposes).
Personally, I think CCS is the easiest to do, followed by Maria-sama and then K-On, but you judge yourself.
Thanks and I hope this works out :)