Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Naruto
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without something to do (watch naruto) i couldnt either...
O_o, I should try this some time.
I used a contraption with a wire and tiewraps and a crystal case to clamp the psp on the machine so i can run freely... it may be totally different in your situation, but be creative or use adhesives and it should be possible
Naruto shippuuden 18 got pused back til next weekend
Dang can't wait

There must be a big shocker at the end
ye but can someone Please upload a psp version of 17 ??
do u still need it ge64?

cause ill hookya up
i need all the latest shippuudens from 18 (for psp).
ok well 18 i can get and im converting 19 as wee speak

be right back with the link

by the way the 18 link isn't mine

19 was just released hours ago
Double post

there ya go number 18 but its in avi format
O_O just watched the episode entitled

deadlock: sannin showdown

all i have to  say is wow
haha check this out... i know some people on these forums live in there... people are dumb.. same thing happened to dbz when it came in the US.. that's why funimation cut it so bad
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