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omg :P :yipi:
o dear..... you have a lot to catch up for naruto then, i guess it may take you a month to watch all those eps..... :P
uhu.  yay a month of naruto :D sounds more like fun than a chore to me

at this moment :P
it will be fun you will learn a few thing here and there about japanese culture too
Ge64 Wrote:does it end?
The first part ends after 220 episodes.

They have started the second part (naruto all grown up) named Naruto Shippuuden.

A good site to get Naruto in rmvb format(1 episode around 38 MB)

If u want Direct download link for Naruto, go to http://www.phazeddl.com and search for naruto. :)

Enjoy and Welcome to Naruto world :mdr:
ty :) by the way i found 2 naruto movies, when should i watch those?
Ge64 Wrote:ty :) by the way i found 2 naruto movies, when should i watch those?
The Movie is totally different, is not connected to the series so u can watch it anytime :)

The movie1 was really good.:)

I didn't liked the Naruto Movie2 :unlove:
cool maybe ill watch it tonight
Theres a third movie that no one has subbed or put up for piracy,(it's licensed), that takes place after the filler, but before Shippuden, and a fourth on the way that takes place during Shippuden...
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