Endless Paradigm

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lol its ok to be addicted. just don't let it get in the way of studying.
haha studying
that's the first thing it gets in the way of
then comes promises
then comes business
then comes browsing/posting on forums
then comes sleep
by that time i ought to be finished
then comes eating
then comes life
Double post
chouji made me rofl when he did the double width technique and he rolled
and the guy called it 'just a rolling fat donkey' whahah
lol i member all that man i got to watch them all over again, i don't do much since I'm working for this semester, i should watch them eps again :yes:
Is naruto that good.
idk, first anime i ever watch besides pokemon and shin chan
by the way anyone know where to get shin chan, its hella funny
ExBu Wrote:Is naruto that good.

it depends on what you like, just download one random ep somewhere and watch it and see if you like it
lol don't be crying when u reach the end of the last episode though =]
How come there is Naruto and Naruto Sippuuden, did naruto end already.
Lol.  Methinks Naruto is too long.  Well, never seen it, but looking at Bleach...
If you have a lot of free time, go for the long animes.  Otherwise, stick to the shorter ones, which are like 13 episodes :P
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