Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The hack each other's posts thread!!!
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Okay, i just found out my dad is actually my little sister...
Good morning. Time to go and rape children
Okay, hold on let me go get my little sister and ill join in on the fun Ge64!
hmmmm why would you do a thing like that????

Everyone knows that its little boys is where its at.
OOOh Okay, I forgot that little boys have tighter donkey holes
Theyre so full of spoon though
That's why you have them let it ALL out.

Oooooh yeah.
God yeah i love that smell

Especially when its fresh and TASTEH!!!
Okay im gay I know (but don't tell)
Hmmm That's sad... ohh wait... what??? you like the backstreet boys???

NOW That's GAY! However I'm a secret admirer myself! Lets go LISTEN TO IT TOGETHER!!!!!

o/` Am I sexual??? YEEEEEEAH o/`
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