I wish I was a moderator so I could edit other peoples post. . .
and By the way. . .
Lol how did you do that diego? O_o
wait I think I know.
He is the most handsome man in the earth. I want to fudge him.
I 'borrow' little boys from the school yard and keep them in my basement and do bad things to them!
metalgear08 Wrote:I 'borrow' little boys from the school yard and keep them in my basement and do bad things to them!
mmm...that arouses me.
badthingshappen Wrote:Power abuse I say! D:
Look on the bright side, you'll most likely be senior member someday
that way I get to rape you more.
YoYo is feeling me up, I like it.
You people are all so sexy.
I want to join :)