Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The hack each other's posts thread!!!
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Put your p0nos in my vag00 naow :) Just JAM IT IN!!!!
I'm sorry, Nocturnal, I just don't feel that way towards you. I like you as a friend, nothing more.

Now Wolf on the other hand...DAMN I want to stick it in his pooper.
Shame on you, metalgear. My pooper belongs to only one person, and that person is Zinga Burga!
Does Zinga know about this? O_o

Cause I want you to know that Zinga is MINE! I'm the only one who can stick my double penis in his pooper!
Double penis?

I got a HYDRA of penises!!!!!1

I want to raep a chicken.
How inhumane! I rape BABY chickens!
Lmao this thread is giving me a MAJOR clue :D
Oo-ooh, your clue is giving me a clue!
Wolf Wrote:Oo-ooh, your clue is giving me a clue!

How is that ghastly? :D
I want to rape you, Wolf. I love you.

I Want to RAPE YOUUUU!!!
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