Endless Paradigm

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i like to eat pancakes.
Im really a girl
^^^^^I knew it

I have a confession, I like Men.
^^^^^I knew it.
my Gaydar was going off the charts with you babe ;) Now wee have something in common, want to go out?
0_0 DIEGO!

ZOMG! I am a liar. the only 8800GT in Festival is 11500, not 10k.

I lie, and so I say. I have a confession.
I am a hermaphrodite.
I have a Penis AND the female part.
so in theory, I can get myself pregnant.
I feel soooo horny cause he has a penis!!
*diego wishes he could experince 2 orgasms at the same time!!

seriously: Really? It's 11k? Sorry my bad.
I am a sexy Beast!
no seriously, i have more hair on my chest then a bear does.
you don't even want to know about the rest of my body!!

yeah 11.5k. no problem. close to the price anyway. I was just joking around.
I'm a retard. :yipi:
I love eating cockroach's, planning to get into FEAR Factor with my 3rd Wife.

Wish me Luck :mdr:

PS: Dasme, I want you inside me.
WIN = whiner idiot nutter  that's me.

Wolf is a genius, he invented sex.
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