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use the torrents i used
they are PERFECt and HYPER fast :) w00t! watching now, cu
Ge64 Wrote:nowai
use the torrents i used
they are PERFECt and HYPER fast :) w00t! watching now, cu

they r the same torrent frm AonE :)
the anime's im watching right now is chobits and fumoffu (full metal panic)
fhqwgad_n4tiv3 Wrote:Full Metal Panic is probably one of the best I've seen. Comedy and action= win

ah, ya... FMP is a must watch..... veyr very funny
naruto @ ep22 now.
So I'm reading MxO right now and it's pretty good.
Just wondering if there's an anime for it.

On a related note, I have read Black Lagoon, but just couldn't get into the anime.
Does it get any more... exciting later on in the series?
Bleach and Naruto are the best
I don't care what anyone says, Cowboy Bebop is the greatest anime of all time.
i finished the good part of naruto (up to 136 now) so i may watch some more and then watch bleach and elfen leid and cowboy bebop and all the others :D
Favorite anime currently probably Shingetsutan Tsukihime (licenced as Lunar Legend Tsukihime in English). Excellent storyline

Currently watching Mai-Hime and Elfen lied.

Got some 10 more series lying around harddrive and in DVDs that i havn't gotten to watch yet.
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