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It's alright grey ghost she didn't actually get her head ripped off it's just tv
Grey Ghost Wrote:yes i have heard its a very good anime, ive seen some of the more gory parts though and i was all like "double you tee eff that chick totally just got her head ripped off"

yeah but that's just part of the experience.

it IS notorious for its unrestricted gore and nudity in parts - but as a whole it really is magically told.

Hence why its my favorite to date.
If only the Elfen Lied anime followed the manga's story the entire way [then it would be one of my faves] ;_;
aright my broda you know yeh goto hand it to da black afow ninja seen?
he like da bad man of da land seen?
if herreal life da broda would totaly smket wit meh
[Image: rza_afro-samurai_l.jpg]

tis the best anime of al ltime.

prove me wrong!
hey zinga(tiger(might remember if i said this))

bak to the topic, the best anime i have watched is, death note


[Image: screaming%20zombie.jpg]
Many new anime are equally good to the awesome anime of previous years... Like Melodies, Bakemonogatari, Darker Than Black (both) etc...
Tenjou Tenge
Lucky Star
Yami To Boushi To Hon No Tabibito
Lucky Star (^_^)
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