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Wolfs Rain

I recently started watching it (im really slow when it comes to actually watching what i download) and im about 20 episodes in

But so far, i love it. Its so awesome, the fight scenes are awesome (when they actually fight as wolves), and you actually start to care about the characters before they get killed off, or something bad happens

Also .Hack//Legend was rather interesting. A bit samey at the beginning, but by the end i was glad i had gotten that far
Naruto was nice from 1 to 80. But SUCKS from 80 to actual chapters. By the way, if you hate english dub, spanish dub is totally annoying. It makes us... want to die.

My fav: Ergo Proxy
Other favs: Lucky Star, Eureka Seven, Welcome to NHK, Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann...
Ghost in the Shell. Period. That spoon RULZ.
I still like Code Geass...watching R2 now...Knock-knock
i don't watch much so DURR........

i seriously can't put my foot on one for now, i heard people say code geass is good so im going to check that out next
Tetris999 Wrote:i don't watch much so DURR........

i seriously can't put my foot on one for now, i heard people say code geass is good so im going to check that out next

Code Geass is good...IMO
I like death note. :)
good ones im watching of this season -
Birdy the Mighty Decode
Slayers Revolution
Telepathy Shoujo Ran
Ikkitousen Great Guardian
Zero no Tsukaima - Princess no Rondo

and of course the on goings -
Soul Eater
Nabari no Ou
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