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Mine is still DBZ...Im currently watching the remastered seasons
to blend in I'd say...

Black Lagoon......

Ultimately though...... any Key Adaptation or Kyoto Production

"Favorite anime" does not mean "all the stuff you have seen that you didn't hate"?
I would say DBZ but I've seen them toooooo many times now. I'll say One Piece!!!


maybe escaflowne, orphen and FMA
Assassinator Wrote:Guys...

"Favorite anime" does not mean "all the stuff you have seen that you didn't hate"?

why assume that?


I don't think wee are posting "all the stuff wee've seen that wee didn't hate" - some of us DO have a broad spectrum of favorite ranging through a very large number of genres...
Right now im watching
Ikkitousen Great Guardian
Soul Eater
Senseito Sakura Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:Guys...

"Favorite anime" does not mean "all the stuff you have seen that you didn't hate"?

why assume that?


I don't think wee are posting "all the stuff wee've seen that wee didn't hate" - some of us DO have a broad spectrum of favorite ranging through a very large number of genres...

It's not supposed to literally mean "all the stuff you have seen that you didn't hate".

I'm just saying people are listing too many. Favourite anime = 1 anime. I can understand if you can't pick a favorite out of two or three of your best. But listing like 10 = you're not getting the point.
...but all anime is different and sometimes it is really hard to chose. It's like people you probably have a lot of friends and it is probably really hard if you have to pick just one friend that is your absolute favorite. Besides anime depends on your mood. Sometimes you would like an anime more or less depending on how you are feeling. I might like a happy anime more when I am feeling sad or a scary one when I want to be scared. It depends on how you feel.

That aside I would say Howl's Moving Castle (If you would call that an anime) is my favorite. I love how his castle moves and in the end I love how it is flying. I also dream of living on a flying airship and making it my home so I thought it was awesome. I also love the theme song.
Does anyone know what site lets you watch anime online for free?
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