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Tis the season and of course it's the time for Steams redonkulous sale ever :o

Loads of titles on sale, such as:
  • Fable III (75% off)
  • Metro 2033 (75% off)
  • Max Payne 1 & 2 (75% off)
  • Same and Max Franchise (75% off)
  • Rift (75% off)
  • Singularity (75% off)
  • Amnesia: The Dark Descent (75% off)
  • Portal 1 & 2 (75% off)
  • Just Cause 1 & 2 (75% off)
  • Orcs Must Die! (75% off)

I bought Amnesia, cause I've heard so much about it and I'm really interested in it. Only £3.24 for me, not £13.96 :o

And the Complete GTA pack, for £10 (in the UK)
GTA 1,2,3,4, Vice City, San Andreas and Liberty City Stories!

Or the Valve Complete pack, for lols is 81% off. £132.81 no more!, only £24.99 at Christmas time!

If any, what did you guys buy? D;
I might get CS:S, but I got most of the other titles I wanted at previous sales.

a big ole list of todays deals

i only bought just cause 2 today and some orgs must die DLC, but I've been buying most of the daily deals, so none of them are really new to me.

i can see these deals being a bank breaker though xD
actually i may get a flight sim or two.
I'm probably going to get Orcs Must Die when I get home. Oh and Fallout 3 GoTY edition
Amnesia and GTA pack are tempting. When does it finish?
Steam Christmas Sale ends on Jan 1st
New daily deals for Christmas every day :o

Amnesia may be a daily deal, for 15 more hours, not sure.
Ok so far ive bought amnesia, but ill be definitely picking up star wars battlefront II and Air Conflicts: Secret Wars, and might get the Railworks 3 train simulator as well.
I'll probably buy Amnesia, just so I have it when I want to/can play it. :o
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