Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Steam Christmas Sales
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got 8 coal so far, will keep them for the raffle.

imagine owning all steam games :D
why do people need coal? O_o

ahh you can craft it into games and each one is an entry into the prize draw

the grand prize is EVERY SINGLE GAME ON STEAM
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]yes.

the grand prize is EVERY SINGLE GAME ON STEAM

id laugh if i won with my singular piece of coal
I'd cry, that would be such a messy list :(
And so many games I wouldnt play.
anyone know the reddit thread lol i don't really need coal and i have a 50% valve voucher :<

i want more games
I got 144 games on Steam and I don't play them all xD
Anyone here willing to trade Terraria for 2 coal and a 25% discount on a Valve title? Anyone?
stupid server fees and christmas gifts D:

now I can't get mass effect while its on sale.
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