Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Steam Christmas Sales
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They've been bloody boring the past couple of days, but i did get some none steam deals :)

i got saints row the 3rd for £15 including all current and future DLC and BF3 from origin for £20, so at least I've still been adding to my list haha
I got Beat Hazard, it's such a trippy game.
oh yeah, i got that too, but I'm having trouble getting internet to my gaming rig (good to be home aye *sigh*) so i can't play it
I think I'm done with these steam sales haha, they're just reducing poo poo to me now
Yeah same here, I'd get Assassin's Creed if I hadn't bought it in a previous sale. Other than that I don't see anything worth buying even with the low price tags.
I got Rush and Toki Tori just because.
same, and....*yawn* borrrrrring day
Welp, That's the end of that, I got so many games from this!
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