Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Steam Christmas Sales
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haha >:D

Also, I may get Batman: Arkham City
Nothing there tickles my fancy at all
Nothing bought by me.
yeah, for once nothing for me, but i did realise i have a key for portal and portal 2 in my inventory :S so if any of you want to trade? I'm looking for a % off steam voucher, but give me your offers
did a payday the heist 4-pack and divided the cost to 4 people, 7.50$ each, not bad, paid 20$ for it on psn.
Got Star Wars: Battlefront 2, Air Conflicts: Secret Wars, and very strongly considering Train Simulator 2012.
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]Got Star Wars: Battlefront 2, Air Conflicts: Secret Wars, and very strongly considering Train Simulator 2012.

do eeet
I got Demigod
can i have peoples coal from steam :< check your inventory send to squee_666
squee666 Wrote: [ -> ]can i have peoples coal from steam :< check your inventory send to squee_666

Coal Is valuable stuff, on reddit they're trading games for the stuff
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