lol,. i was really getting lost,. with all the CFW's and HEN's,.
i am still not sure about the 3g+ 639ME-2 beta,. is this HEN or CFW or something new,.

Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]lol,. i was really getting lost,. with all the CFW's and HEN's,.
i am still not sure about the 3g+ 639ME-2 beta,. is this HEN or CFW or something new,.

3g+ 639ME-2 is a light cfw ( its like a hen but it has iso loader and all cfw features ) but it doesn't have a recovery menu.
soo it works like a hen.
Edit.... I'll add it if and when he adds support for GO.
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]Can you add 6.38 ME-3 Info to here?
Should I add 6.38 ME-3 or newer...
Also should I add 5.00 m33-6? or 5.50 Gen?
you could add
-639ME-2 for PSP-1000&2000 normal install
-639OFW installer >>639ME-2
IMO the 500m33 and 550gen are outdated,.. they are also full CFW and only for 1000&2000 like 639ME
in any case neurOn is throwing with new cfw's again :) mebbe he will have a CFW for all PSP's soon ;)
True they are Outdated but some people use them still, i was gonna ask if there is a way to go to 5.50 gen/prome and or 5.00 M33 because i have seen many psp's with those outdated CFW and i update them a slow painful method... And it sucks donkey...
UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]True they are Outdated but some people use them still, i was gonna ask if there is a way to go to 5.50 gen/prome and or 5.00 M33 because i have seen many psp's with those outdated CFW and i update them a slow painful method... And it sucks donkey...
What PSP do u have... because Go can't be downgraded to 5.00 or 5.50.
fajrlodhi Wrote: [ -> ]Nice thread bro:)
Thanks :)
lol some noob gave my thread a one star

I meant in general for the 1k and 2k and maybe 3k. i try to update a 550 gen/prome to 620 or 635 and it says the usual its one 9.90 ofw. i hate using the pandora to flash ofw then upgrading it 620 or 635. Any other way?
UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]I meant in general for the 1k and 2k and maybe 3k. i try to update a 550 gen/prome to 620 or 635 and it says the usual its one 9.90 ofw. i hate using the pandora to flash ofw then upgrading it 620 or 635. Any other way?
If you have hackable motherboard 1k or 2k (Not 3k!!)
1: Download
Hellcats Recovery Flasher v1.65
2: Download 5.00 eboot.
3: Rename it to 500
4: put it in the ROOT of your memory stick.
5: Run Hellcats Recovery Flasher.
Select 5.00 m33-6.... Done.
ok i put my friends psp back to ofw 550 and it won't run the update for 620
i downgraded my psp version to 6.20 already but i still can't read iso games for my psp .. can anyone help me?
have you followed Step One, that has all the information you need once you're at 6.20