28/03/2011, 03:33 PM
Contents Menu: | Sections 1-4 |
Section 1 | Updating And Installing HEN. |
Section 2 | Downgrading PSP firmwares. |
Section 3 | More Available HEN's. |
Section 4 | Available CFW For PSP 01g, 02g. |
Thank you Total_Noob for 6.20 TN-E HEN.
Section 1:
The difference between Hen & CFW: Is that CFW is a full firmware which is flashed into your PSP main memory (flash0) A HEN is a firmware that is kept in your PSP's RAM which means when you turn your PSP off in Hen mode the RAM will be deleted and your PSP will return to its normal state.
Bricked PSP = A bricked PSP is one in which the firmware has been corrupted so that the PSP will no longer start up. It has, essentially, become a very nice-looking brick.
Homebrew: Refers to programs, such as games and utility software, that are made at home by individual people (as opposed to development companies).
To start select your PSP to download a OFW: (Note: This is OFW 6.20 because a hen is available for it) If you are already on 6.20 OFW skip this part. (However if your firmware is higher than 6.20 skip to Section 2)
![[Image: buttonspsp3000.png]](http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/238/buttonspsp3000.png)
![[Image: buttonspspgo.png]](http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/9460/buttonspspgo.png)
Extract the rar file using 7zip or winRAR. You will then find a file named EBOOT.PBP.
1: Using your PC, create a folder named "PSP". Within the "PSP" folder, create a folder named "GAME". Within the "GAME" folder, create a folder named "UPDATE". (Folder names must be in all uppercase letters).
![[Image: memorysticko.png]](http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/7413/memorysticko.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: pbph.png]](http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/3395/pbph.png)
2: Copy the EBOOT.PBP you downloaded to your UPDATE folder.
3: To start the update data. Select either
![[Image: ps_icn_saveddatautility.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_saveddatautility.gif)
![[Image: ps_icn_systemstorage.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_systemstorage.gif)
![[Image: ps_icn_game.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_game.gif)
![[Image: ps_icn_ntwkupdate.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_ntwkupdate.gif)
![[Image: crosso.png]](http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/2964/crosso.png)
![[Image: ps_en_6.jpg]](http://webassetse.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_en_6.jpg)
![[Image: ps_en_5.jpg]](http://webassetsg.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_en_5.jpg)
Now you are on 6.20 OFW. But now wee want to get to 6.20 TN-E (which is a HEN).
![[Image: 620tne.png]](http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/6035/620tne.png)
To start
![[Image: ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg]](http://webassetsb.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg)
1: Extract 6-20TN-E.zip file which you have downloaded.
2: Copy the files & folders you extracted into your PSP
![[Image: ps_icn_saveddatautility.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_saveddatautility.gif)
![[Image: ps_icn_systemstorage.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_systemstorage.gif)
3: Run 6.20 TN-E like a normal
![[Image: ps_icn_game.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_game.gif)
4: To confirm that the HEN was successful. Select [System Settings] under
![[Image: ps_icn_settings.gif]](http://webassetsf.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_settings.gif)
Now that you are on 6.20 TN-E you might want to add ISO back-up support because 6.20 TN-E HEN doesn't have a ISO loader.
To start
![[Image: ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg]](http://webassetsb.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg)
1: Extract aLoader-1.25.rar which you have downloaded.
2: Open up the seplugins folder and copy aLoader folder to your own seplugins folder.
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
seplugins aLoader
3: You will also see two txt files named _go_vsh.txt & _vsh.txt in the seplugins folder.
4: If you are on
![[Image: ps_psp_n_1000.gif]](http://webassetsg.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_psp_n_1000.gif)
![[Image: ps_psp_1000.gif]](http://webassetsh.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_psp_1000.gif)
![[Image: ps_psp_2000.gif]](http://webassetsf.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_psp_2000.gif)
![[Image: ps_psp_3000.gif]](http://webassetsf.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_psp_3000.gif)
5: Now open up your own seplugins folder and you will see a vsh txt file open it up and you will see this:
ms0:/cxmb/cxmb.prx 1
cxmb.prx is support for custom PSP themes. Now paste the txt you copied from step 4.
So it should look like this:
ms0:/cxmb/cxmb.prx 1
ms0:/seplugins/aLoader/aloader_vsh.prx 1
Remember to change ms0: to ef0: if you are using PSP GO's Storage.
1 = ON 0 = OFF
Now go back on your PSP and press
![[Image: selectey.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/8449/selectey.png)
This will bring up a TN VSH MENU
VSH menu allows you to change around some option while in the XMB.
Now go down to the option RESTART VSH
And your PSP will then restart. Now your done

To play your backed up game you have to make a new folder in your
![[Image: ps_icn_saveddatautility.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_saveddatautility.gif)
![[Image: ps_icn_systemstorage.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_systemstorage.gif)
![[Image: memorysticko.png]](http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/7413/memorysticko.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: umd48.png]](http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/3183/umd48.png)
To change some option in the aLoader you press and hold
![[Image: 79512676.png]](http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/5536/79512676.png)
Section 2:
This section is only for the people that have a higher firmware than 6.20 OFW. Wee will have to downgrade your PSP to version 6.20 OFW. [This downgrader only works on firmwares 6.31 / 6.35 / 6.38 / 6.39] (Note: If you are on 6.40 or higher your out of luck)
To start select your PSP to download a OFW: (Note: This is OFW 6.20 because a HEN is available for it)
![[Image: buttonspsp3000.png]](http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/238/buttonspsp3000.png)
![[Image: buttonspspgo.png]](http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/9460/buttonspspgo.png)
When you have have finished downloading, You will find a file named EBOOT.PBP.
1: Using your PC, create a folder named "PSP". Within the "PSP" folder, create a folder named "GAME". Within the "GAME" folder, create a folder named "UPDATE". (Folder names must be in all uppercase letters).
![[Image: memorysticko.png]](http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/7413/memorysticko.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: pbph.png]](http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/3395/pbph.png)
2: Copy the EBOOT.PBP you downloaded to your UPDATE folder.
Now you have to download a downgrader to downgrade your PSP's firmware to 6.20 OFW. (This downgrader works only for 6.31 OFW / 6.35 OFW / 6.38 OFW / 6.39 OFW)
To start
![[Image: ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg]](http://webassetsb.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg)
Now extract Downgrader.zip file using 7zip or winRAR. You will then find a folder named PSP open it up and you will see a folder named GAME open that up and you will see a folder named Downgrader
Now copy the Downgrader folder to your PSP GAME folder.
![[Image: memorysticko.png]](http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/7413/memorysticko.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: pbph.png]](http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/3395/pbph.png)
3: To start the update data. Select either
![[Image: ps_icn_saveddatautility.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_saveddatautility.gif)
![[Image: ps_icn_systemstorage.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_systemstorage.gif)
![[Image: ps_icn_game.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_game.gif)
![[Image: ps_icn_ntwkupdate.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_ntwkupdate.gif)
![[Image: crosso.png]](http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/2964/crosso.png)
Then you will see this message.
![[Image: ps_en_7.jpg]](http://webassetsh.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_en_7.jpg)
![[Image: crosso.png]](http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/2964/crosso.png)
![[Image: downgrader.png]](http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/7700/downgrader.png)
After the SONY updater is finished you will get a BSOD, all you have to do is press
![[Image: circleb.png]](http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/1685/circleb.png)
![[Image: pspbsod.png]](http://imageshack.us/m/21/8084/pspbsod.png)
Now you are on 6.20 OFW go back to the start of this thread and go through the full tutorial to hack your PSP.
Warning! Warning! Warning!
If your PSP's motherboard module is 07g, this means you can only downgrade to 6.35 OFW. To find out if you have 07g you have to download PSP Module Checker v1.0.
To start
![[Image: ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg]](http://webassetsb.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg)
Now extract ModuleCheckerv1.zip file using 7zip or winRAR. You will then find a folder named PSP open it up and you will see a folder named GAME open that up and you will see a folder named ModuleChecker
Now copy the ModuleChecker folder to your PSP GAME folder.
![[Image: memorysticko.png]](http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/7413/memorysticko.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: scaled.php?tn=0&server=837&a...;ysize=640]](http://desmond.yfrog.com/Himg837/scaled.php?tn=0&server=837&filename=modulechecker.png&xsize=640&ysize=640)
Now run ModuleChecker from the PSP XMB [Game], the program will tell you what module you have.
Here is 6.35 OFW just follow the same instruction as 6.20 OFW, all you do is use 6.35 OFW instead.
![[Image: buttonspsp3000.png]](http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/238/buttonspsp3000.png)
![[Image: buttonspspgo.png]](http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/9460/buttonspspgo.png)
Section 3:
In this section you can download some more available HEN's (Note: Make sure the HEN is designed for your PSP model.)
6.39 PRO-B6
Spoiler for description:
This Hen only works if you are on 6.39 OFW it supports all PSP models.
I have also included CXMB which is support for custom PSP themes.
Make sure the custom themes you download are for 6.39 PRO-B6 And you must put them in your PSP/THEME folder.
- Extract 639_PRO_B6.zip using 7zip or Winrar.
- Put the files & folders you extracted into your PSP memory stick.
- Run the PRO Update and now you are on 6.39 PRO-B6 enjoy.
- You can use Fast Recovery to go back to Hen mode if your PSP turns off fully.
I have also included CXMB which is support for custom PSP themes.
Make sure the custom themes you download are for 6.39 PRO-B6 And you must put them in your PSP/THEME folder.
![[Image: ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg]](http://webassetsb.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg)
![[Image: 639prob6.png]](http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/6384/639prob6.png)
6.35 PRO-B6
Spoiler for description:
This Hen only works if you are on 6.35 OFW it supports all PSP models.
I have also included CXMB which is support for custom PSP themes.
Make sure the custom themes you download are for 6.35 PRO-B6 And you must put them in your PSP/THEME folder.
- Extract 635_PRO_B6.zip using 7zip or Winrar.
- Put the files & folders you extracted into your PSP memory stick.
- Run the PRO Update and now you are on 6.35 PRO-B6 enjoy.
- You can use Fast Recovery to go back to Hen mode if your PSP turns off fully.
I have also included CXMB which is support for custom PSP themes.
Make sure the custom themes you download are for 6.35 PRO-B6 And you must put them in your PSP/THEME folder.
![[Image: ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg]](http://webassetsb.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg)
![[Image: 635prob6.png]](http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/8485/635prob6.png)
6.20 PRO-B6
Spoiler for description:
This Hen only works if you are on 6.20 OFW it supports all PSP models.
I have also included CXMB which is support for custom PSP themes.
Make sure the custom themes you download are for 6.20 PRO-B6 And you must put them in your PSP/THEME folder.
- Extract 620_PRO_B6.zip using 7zip or Winrar.
- Put the files & folders you extracted into your PSP memory stick.
- Run the PRO Update and now you are on 6.20 PRO-B6 enjoy.
- You can use Fast Recovery to go back to Hen mode if your PSP turns off fully.
- You can run Permanent Patch to fully install it to your PSP. (Warning! this may brick some PSP's)
I have also included CXMB which is support for custom PSP themes.
Make sure the custom themes you download are for 6.20 PRO-B6 And you must put them in your PSP/THEME folder.
![[Image: ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg]](http://webassetsb.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg)
![[Image: 620prob6.png]](http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/8161/620prob6.png)
Section 4:
This section is only for the people that have a PSP 1000(Phat) or a PSP 2000(Slim) with 02g motherboard module.
(Note: Make sure the CFW is designed for your PSP model.)
To install 6.39 ME-2 you have to be on 6.39 OFW, and have a PSP with 01g or 02g motherboard module.
To start select the PSP icon to download a OFW: (Note: This is OFW 6.39 because 6.39 ME-2 is available for it) If you are already on 6.39 OFW skip this part.
![[Image: buttonspsp3000.png]](http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/238/buttonspsp3000.png)
After you finish downloading, you will then find a file named EBOOT.PBP.
1: Using your PC, create a folder named "PSP". Within the "PSP" folder, create a folder named "GAME". Within the "GAME" folder, create a folder named "UPDATE". (Folder names must be in all uppercase letters).
![[Image: memorysticko.png]](http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/7413/memorysticko.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: folder1l.png]](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/7329/folder1l.png)
![[Image: linez.png]](http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/8112/linez.png)
![[Image: pbph.png]](http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/3395/pbph.png)
2: Copy the EBOOT.PBP you downloaded to your UPDATE folder.
3: To start the update data. Select
![[Image: ps_icn_saveddatautility.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_saveddatautility.gif)
![[Image: ps_icn_game.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_game.gif)
![[Image: ps_icn_ntwkupdate.gif]](http://webassetsc.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_icn_ntwkupdate.gif)
![[Image: crosso.png]](http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/2964/crosso.png)
![[Image: ps_en_6.jpg]](http://webassetse.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_en_6.jpg)
![[Image: ps_en_5.jpg]](http://webassetsg.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_en_5.jpg)
Now you are on 6.39 OFW. Download 6.39 ME-2 and follow the instructions.
6.39 ME-2
Spoiler for description:
This CFW only works if you are on 6.39 OFW it supports only 01g and 02g models. It will brick any newer PSP models.
I have also included CXMB which is support for custom PSP themes.
Make sure the custom themes you download are for 6.38/9 ME-2 And you must put them in your PSP/THEME folder.
- Extract 639_ME_2_OFW.zip using 7zip or Winrar.
- Put the files & folders you extracted into your PSP memory stick.
- Run the 639 kxploit and now you are on 6.39 ME-2 enjoy.
I have also included CXMB which is support for custom PSP themes.
Make sure the custom themes you download are for 6.38/9 ME-2 And you must put them in your PSP/THEME folder.
![[Image: ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg]](http://webassetsb.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg)
![[Image: 639me2.png]](http://img864.imageshack.us/img864/9492/639me2.png)