OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]I added this post to my sig so other people can see it. 
UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]Explode? How Hard Is It to Read And Follow Instructions Let Alone Ask Questions?
Too much information will make it look difficult.
Also I made this thread just to teach the noobies that need help.
Now you just need a up to date tut on PSX2PSP 1.4.2 so 6.20 TN and 6.35 PRO users know how to put there playstation games on there PSP. (The legal way of course.)

OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]Now you just need a up to date tut on PSX2PSP 1.4.2 so 6.20 TN and 6.35 PRO users know how to put there playstation games on there PSP. (The legal way of course.)

I don't think most people want to know that.....
Updated thread to 6.20 TN-E
hm i have a 2004 8c with 6.38 - am i screwed?
Gladi Wrote: [ -> ]hm i have a 2004 8c with 6.38 - am i screwed?
Try this if this don't work.... Go
Here and download some signed homebrews.
How to hack PSP 1000 & PSP 2000 with ta-85v1
Things you will need:
USB cable
PSP memory stick.
1: Download Rains UltraLite MMS Maker
This will let you make a magic memory stick. You will need a magic memory stick to downgrade/hack your PSP.
Connect your PSP to your computer using the USB cable and Select your PSP Drive letter then Click on the MAKE MMS
When you have made you magic memory stick download firmware 5.00 here.
Extract the rar file using 7zip or winRAR. You will then find a file named EBOOT.PBP.
Rename the file EBOOT to 500
Put the 500 file into your PSP memory stick using the USB cable.
2: After you have made your magic memory stick download Hellcat's Pandora Installer Rev 4B
This app will let you make a pandora battery which you will need to downgrade your PSP.
Extract the rar file using 7zip or winRAR. You will then find a folder named Hellcat's Pandora Installer.
Copy the folder Hellcat's Pandora Installer into your PSP/GAME/ folder using the USB cable.
PSP/GAME/Hellcat's Pandora Installer
Go on the XMB and go to the GAME section and run the app.
Now change your PSP battery to pandora (go to the battery options) and turn off your PSP... Turn it back on while holding down the magic memory stick button you chose.
A menu will appear click on install 5.00 M33-4
Thanks to hellcat & OMightyBuggy for signing it for OFW.
hm ok sofar so good... made the MMS, made the battery a pandora - turn off the psp.
holding the MMs button turn on - no install option....