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Gladi Wrote: [ -> ]hm ok sofar so good... made the MMS, made the battery a pandora - turn off the psp.
holding the MMs button turn on - no install option....

When you make a MMS (magic memory stick) it ask's you what psp button you want....
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]
Gladi Wrote: [ -> ]hm ok sofar so good... made the MMS, made the battery a pandora - turn off the psp.
holding the MMs button turn on - no install option....

When you make a MMS (magic memory stick) it ask's you what psp button you want....

nope it did not - the readme states the L button is the MMS Button... but i will start over from scratch...
Gladi Wrote: [ -> ]
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]
Gladi Wrote: [ -> ]hm ok sofar so good... made the MMS, made the battery a pandora - turn off the psp.
holding the MMs button turn on - no install option....

When you make a MMS (magic memory stick) it ask's you what psp button you want....

nope it did not - the readme states the L button is the MMS Button... but i will start over from scratch...

Then press and hold the L button while turning psp on>?
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]
Gladi Wrote: [ -> ]
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]
Gladi Wrote: [ -> ]hm ok sofar so good... made the MMS, made the battery a pandora - turn off the psp.
holding the MMs button turn on - no install option....

When you make a MMS (magic memory stick) it ask's you what psp button you want....

nope it did not - the readme states the L button is the MMS Button... but i will start over from scratch...

Then press and hold the L button while turning psp on>?

like i said it boots up normaly - no install option to choose - no FW change - stays on 6.38...

Well try this to see if your battery is pandora .... take out the battery and put it back in and if the green light doesn't come on then your battery is not pandora.

Only some psp's can make pandora battery.

[Image: dtb_HackablePSPs.png]
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]@Gladi

Well try this to see if your battery is pandora .... take out the battery and put it back in and if the green light doesn't come on then your battery is not pandora.

Only some psp's can make pandora battery.

[Image: dtb_HackablePSPs.png]

turn psp off - take battery out?
Gladi Wrote: [ -> ]
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]@Gladi

Well try this to see if your battery is pandora .... take out the battery and put it back in and if the green light doesn't come on then your battery is not pandora.

Only some psp's can make pandora battery.

[Image: dtb_HackablePSPs.png]

turn psp off - take battery out?

Doesn't really matter if you turn your PSP off because when you take out the battery it will turn offff..

And put the battery back in and if the power led doesn't automatically turn on then your battery is not pandora.
the battery it is then... i have friend with a fat 1004 could he pandorize my battery?
can a pandorized battery be unpandorized?

thanks for your help till now!
Gladi Wrote: [ -> ]the battery it is then... i have friend with a fat 1004 could he pandorize my battery?
can a pandorized battery be unpandorized?

thanks for your help till now!

Yea he can...... but use his phat battery......

Remember to change battery to normal when your finished.


If your psp is not hackable then go to the signed thread.
Added 6.38 downgrader by someone.
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