Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release]The 3rd Birthday 500/503/550/620/635/637/638/639
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Awesome, I really like the busy icon sphere and text animations.Adore

Thanks for the new theme PatPat.Madwin
Can anyone tell me the purpose of the "TV" The 3rd Birthday CTF Theme?

By the way nice theme, thanks Patpat :D
Insidexdeath Wrote: [ -> ]Can anyone tell me the purpose of the "TV" The 3rd Birthday CTF Theme?

By the way nice theme, thanks Patpat :D

The "TV" is for psp2000(have tv icon), others is for psp2001 - psp2007
Seems to have the same paf.prx as several other themes. I'll have to give it a shot, since I happen to like that paf.prx.
patpat Wrote: [ -> ]The "TV" is for psp2000(have tv icon), others is for psp2001 - psp2007

Oh I see why the TV icon showed up on the XMB. Thanks for the explanation :)
This is a amazing theme very professional. Nice job patpat.
The CXMB.PRX for 6.20 is working perfect
Your theme in my PSP GO is working

How can i upgrade older themes to 6.20?
to work i need to add ms0:/Seplugins/Cxmb/Cxmb.prx 1
ms0:/Seplugins/Cxmb.prx 1
Are the offsets for 6.20 prx editing available ?
Also - any plans for adding an option to CTF GUI for auto converting to 6.20 ?

Thanks as always patpat   Yay
Thanks patpat,your'e the best.
Works great on psp_go with 6.20 TN-A HEN installed.

Hi LuanTeles Mr. Shizzy.
I will release CTFtool v4.4 in the last few days. It can creat 620ctf and convert some prxs but not for ctf convert.
Because the 620rco is big difference to 500/550rco : (
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