Endless Paradigm

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how do you make 6.35ctf themes i heard about something called ctf tool 4.4?
theme looks awesome and works great on 620TN! i like the infobar animation Madwin

if only a real cfw 620 or 635 was here :(

the background preview in this firmware is so cool!! settings>>theme settings>>color and background,. instand previews when scrolling << :)
Quite like a number of aspects of the theme :)

And congrats on graduating!
Thanks ZiNgA BuRgA, Vegetano1 and Aspheric : )
j.c. Wrote: [ -> ]how do you make 6.35ctf themes i heard about something called ctf tool 4.4?

Yes, you can get it here: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=24034
is there any guide for it like how you start with it(how to make ctf with it?)
and can you convert ctf themes to 6.35 with it?
Nice theme! I will try it Madwin

P.S patpat, i see you posted some ctf themes for 6.20 on your blog. Can you convert them for 6.35?
Thanks pat for the update,does the updated CXMB for 6.35 PRO also works on 6.20 TN-C ?

EDIT: I'll try it now out and report :=)
don't know if anyone else noticed yet: aside from parts of the theme-color picker not loading unless you've entered the music player first there's also a problem with gameboots on the PSPgo.
the PSPgo always displays the default PSP gameboot, regardless of what is included in the theme.
i like whot you did with the date/time setting Adore

I tried to move battery info(4 lines) to the volumebar,. ;p did't work,. the lines showed but not the responding info's,..
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