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aRK, damn good quality + karaoke.
Just saw Episode 8 and I have to say I'm a fan of this ultra-indulgence and I also have to ask, how close is it to the manga scene-wise?
Compared Ep 7 to Act 7 in the manga, and it's almost the same, shot-for-shot. (With obvious filler content, given anime) Even the bit where Takagi inadvertantly blocks Shizuka's massive *cough* melons from sight when she's wearing naught but a first aid kit is preserved; same for the "I need to pee" scene. The length and content of the episodes is also consistient.
Using that as a reference, I'd say it's very faithful.

I watch G G fansubs, by the way. 480p is fine, the difference between that and full 780p (or whatever you bandwidth-rich people watch) is barely noticable on my 16:9 screen.
^ he solved the math :P
Personally... I don't see what everyone is so impressed about with this show... the boobs?  Lol, I'm finding Sekirei 2 more entertaining than this, and Sekirei is far from being the best stuff I've ever seen (it's some fanservice show with some cheesy as hell storyline).

- The story is... just running around and random fighting.  But being the kind of show it is, I don't blame it too much.
- The sound/music is... err... I never even thought about that, so it's average at best (any show with really good sound, I will take notice of it).
- The graphics (visual/artistic quality)... decent I guess.
- The action scenes are supposed to be the selling point of this show (or is that the boobs?), but honestly, I don't really find anything particularly special about them that would separate this from the rest.
- Overall entertainment... 7/10 at best.
- As for the boobs... I don't particularly care.  Really, if I wanted to be staring at boobs, there are genres dedicated to showing boobs, among other stuff.  As for fan service, I'd much prefer more tasteful stuff (go watch something like Bakemonogatari for an idea of what I'm talking about) rather than simply oversized boobs bouncing around.
The main selling point for me is the survival part, if you read anything related to zombie at all, Its one of the best doomsday theory/fantasy ever. MEoteor is boring, flood is even worst. Alien invasion is overused.
If you played more games or have more interests in zombies theory then you'd understand. The action in here is purely a big plus, to add more excitement to the action.
Typed this post in class over a long period of time so it might not make any sense. Will check later when I get home
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Personally... I don't see what everyone is so impressed about with this show... the boobs?  Lol, I'm finding Sekirei 2 more entertaining than this, and Sekirei is far from being the best stuff I've ever seen (it's some fanservice show with some cheesy as hell storyline).

You think Sekirei is better then this?
Wow that is something.
:P even sparker is against you, and everyone know boobs is not one of sparker's forte.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]You think Sekirei is better then this?
Wow that is something.

As a show, no.

Purely on how much it's entertaining me currently, yes.  Despite it being a show based mainly on fanservice, has a cheezy as hell storyline, and not so great art, Sekirei is actually quite enjoyable.  Lol.

I'm watching it because I watched the 1st season back then.  And I watched the 1st season because of Sensky.

Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]:P even sparker is against you, and everyone know boobs is not one of sparker's forte.

Sparker probably doesn't even watch this (edit: ok, he actually does...).  And he definitely hasn't seen Sekirei.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Guilty of Coalguys watching but then they dropped it - then I watched Tomodachi (TMD) which are probably the best right now but they can't compete with the fa[GG]ots speed which I crave. TMD is best if you can wait, though.

Lol I beg to differ...

Prism is the best.  BDrips are the best, if you can wait. ^.^

Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]I watch G G fansubs, by the way. 480p is fine, the difference between that and full 780p (or whatever you bandwidth-rich people watch) is barely noticable on my 16:9 screen.

No, you're right.  All the 720 encodes for this show are encoded by retards noob encoders who need actually think before they encode.

Oh yeah, gg speaks the truth regarding this.  gg may be trolls, but they aren't retards.
Quote:Q) Why isn't your release 720p?
A) Wee don't believe that 720p always makes something better. 720p HotD looks terrible and the (lack of) details gained from it doesn't make it worth it. For viewing experience, you can always click the maximize button on your movie player.  Here is a screenshot from the .ts. It looks amazing, yes?

Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]The length and content of the episodes is also consistient.

Like wasting 1/2 of the 3rd episode repeating shit from the 1st and 2nd?
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