Endless Paradigm

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Eh, I've been keeping up with this anime and I've seen the first season of Sekirei, what made you think that?
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Eh, I've been keeping up with this anime and I've seen the first season of Sekirei, what made you think that?



1. Because it completely doesn't seem like thing you'd be interested in watching.
2. Because I don't remember ever seeing it on this list.  http://myanimelist.net/animelist/Sparker
That list is hideously outdated and didn't have all the anime I watched at the time on it even.
I'd update it if maybe if I were bothered I'd use it again.

Though I'll admit you're right, HSOTD does seem like an anime I wouldn't watch, I just remember Heartless telling me how great the manga was so I thought I might as well take a look.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]- Overall entertainment... 7/10 at best.

That's my rating for it atm... it dropped a point when I realized it wasn't gonna be getting any better  than it already is. That's both a good and bad thing :P

The show is great fun, that's why I watch it. Why does my sister watch it? Well she thinks pretty much the same thing, and she find zombies utterly hilarious as well. Yeah she finds the girls exposure a bit much sometimes but more often than not she laughs it off.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]The length and content of the episodes is also consistient.

Like wasting 1/2 of the 3rd episode repeating shit from the 1st and 2nd?

No, with the original Manga.
If I recall correctly, Act 3 was very short, just from the cashier to rei and takashi leaving the bus and running into the motorbike; Act 4 was the plane, to the revolver, and then to the gangsta at the petrol station - There's obviously a lot of things that have been added in.
Some of the anime episodes have had content from previous acts or filler content added in, but the overall effect is that the anime Episodes are keeping pace with the manga Acts.

Also, I express distaste with the amount of recap, and how much Hisashi gets brought up by Takashi.
Saw ep1 last night.  Interesting show, but I doubt subsequent episodes will keep up with the action of the first.  Quite a number of aspects seem unrealistic, but otherwise it looks entertaining enough.

Watched Coalguys release, which lagged a bit on my netbook.  Also seems a number of places had DTV trasmission artefacts.
The action stay. Get even more ridiculously awesome later
Zombie Wrote: [ -> ]Watched Coalguys release, which lagged a bit on my netbook.  Also seems a number of places had DTV trasmission artefacts.

Transmission artefacts? Is that when an image kinda sticks and leaves a lot of graphical spoon everywhere?
Something like that.  Typically massive pixelation with it.
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