Endless Paradigm

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Quote:Highschool of the Dead
of the Dead
the Dead
This show is win already.

Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]see? there cannot be anything wrong with zombies
Completely true.
I know you lack a heart, but would you mind donating me your brain?
no, but i can donate my friends'


watched ep 7 just now.
the jizz in my pant!
Source: YouTube

fudge physic, man. Newton was wrong.
(can someone fix the link for me?)
^ done, also, ignored, episode 8 only just got released /rage
Yea I I read the manga already so plot is not really a problem
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]Source: YouTube

fudge physic, man. Enstein was wrong.
(can someone fix the link for me?)

Okay, what I've seen in the first few episodes was tolerable but that is just ridiculous
how so? it's an anime :P people have been able to grab stars and throw em around, fight with nothing but spirit, shooting chocolates outta no where :P how is this any ridiculous at all?>
Good point. I'll just accept that 'it's an anime' as an answer.
Aw. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Just watched the (english subbed) animu episodes released so far; spoon is tight, yo. Faithful to the manga, and I see they've preserved the panty-shots, gelatinous breasts, and ridiculous applications of physics that were so prevalent in the manga.
* Silvertie wipes away nosebleed

So, what fansub is everyone watching? (Unless everyone here doesn't need subs, and I'm a baka gaijin)
Guilty of Coalguys watching but then they dropped it - then I watched Tomodachi (TMD) which are probably the best right now but they can't compete with the fa[GG]ots speed which I crave. TMD is best if you can wait, though.

Read this for a laugh: http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?sho...21#c156070
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