how so? it's an anime :P people have been able to grab stars and throw em around, fight with nothing but spirit, shooting chocolates outta no where :P how is this any ridiculous at all?>
Aw. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Just watched the (english subbed) animu episodes released so far; spoon is tight, yo. Faithful to the manga, and I see they've preserved the panty-shots, gelatinous breasts, and ridiculous applications of physics that were so prevalent in the manga. * Silvertie wipes away nosebleed
So, what fansub is everyone watching? (Unless everyone here doesn't need subs, and I'm a baka gaijin)
Guilty of Coalguys watching but then they dropped it - then I watched Tomodachi (TMD) which are probably the best right now but they can't compete with the fa[GG]ots speed which I crave. TMD is best if you can wait, though.