Endless Paradigm

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Syfe Wrote:Firion has his uses but sometimes its hard to hit something.

how about constantly hitting something 15 times in a row?

Source: YouTube

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4iuW8KOOMc (required)
i could beat that playing with one hand.
try it. I'll take you on that.
its a done deal then, just wait till i can be bothered and ill do it.
Syfe Wrote:
Syfe Wrote:Firion has his uses but sometimes its hard to hit something.

how about constantly hitting something 15 times in a row?

Source: YouTube

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4iuW8KOOMc (required)

Huh? I'm pretty sure that normally doesn't work. I should get Sparker to try that on me and see if I'm able to escape.
Yea when I play the AI doesn't usually sPa/\/\ HP attacks like that
i always sPa/\/\ that attack at the computer with him since he misses so much.

Weapon: Chaos Blade
Gloves: Highway Star
Helm: Grand Helm
Armour: Maximillian

Pearl Necklace
Gold Hourglass
HP = 100%
Large gap in HP
Large gap in BRV
Summon Unused (player)
After Summon (Opponent)
Pre-HP Damage (When opponent hasn't connected with an HP attack)
Close To You
Center Of The World

Normal Mode Bravery Attacks
On Ground:
O - Sentence

O - Sentence

EX mode bravery attacks
O - Enrage
i<O -
iO> - Relentless Lunge

O - Dual Rend
i<O -
iO> - Aero

Normal mode HP attacks
O - EX charge

O - EX charge

EX Mode HP Attacks
O - Innocence

O - Innocence

Free air dash
Multi air slide
Speed Boost ++
Midair Evasion Boost
Magic shield
Physical shield
Bravery Regen
Snooze and lose
EX critical boost
Gambler's Spirit
Disable Anti EX
Helm Adept

Basically after a couple of combo's with sentence I'll have a full EX bar, then go into EX mode and stay there for the remainder of the match. I have not once ran out of EX force while using this build.
When the match finishes the EX bar will be nearly full, so in the next match you can let the opponent get a combo in and then EX guard and attack. Gabranth is probably the best character to use offline IMO since you can just sPa/\/\ innoconce and it's almost guaranteed to hit
You may want to use the Zwill Crossblade and Genji Gear to get into EX Mode sooner.
Haven't gotten Genji yet but workin on it ;)
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