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Lol yea getting super ribbon takes ages. And then it breaks and you rage quit and have to calm down.
Chaos Panda Wrote:Lol yea getting super ribbon takes ages. And then it breaks and you rage quit and have to calm down.

Actually I think the description meant that breakable accessories chances of breaking are reduced by 30%

although besides the EXP thing you might make a good fight there.
Chaos Panda Wrote:Lol yea getting super ribbon takes ages. And then it breaks and you rage quit and have to calm down.

Supper Ribbon doesn't break, it lowers how likely accessories break by a certain percentage. I used a normal Ribbon to test this >_>

Its great for EXP to BRV/EX builds and for LUC builds.
Goshi Wrote:
Chaos Panda Wrote:Lol yea getting super ribbon takes ages. And then it breaks and you rage quit and have to calm down.

Supper Ribbon doesn't break, it lowers how likely accessories break by a certain percentage. I used a normal Ribbon to test this >_>

Its great for EXP to EXP/EX builds and for LUC builds.

Facepalm I NEED to get a super ribbon
I don't know where my psp at the time is, so I'll just list off what i have

Gabranth and Squall are at level 100; the obvious thing i do with gabranth is just equip the innocence hp attacks and equip everything that powers up his ex mode. That means i use mythril set to prolong it and just keep running or stealing ex cores, then rape later; works pretty well for me.

Squall is a nutcase, doesn't let you run away with his airial divide hp attack because he can keep doing it at a fast pace; not allowing a counter attack. I just upgrade his physical attack and use chain revolver or beat fang; then hp attack if my opponent blocks. If i have a really good blocking opponent, I'll use barrage on him in the air and force the person to block (of course) then i go in with a beat fang. With ground, I'll keep on doing his electricity move and when the opponent is finally hit after the 100th time i casted it; i go in with a chain revolver :P

works really well, i certainly want to know how to play online; gaw...
wow i am cloud at level 34 i am no macth for 100! (;O;)
Play more! And use the levelling trick!
Quote:Squall is a nutcase, doesn't let you run away with his airial divide hp attack because he can keep doing it at a fast pace; not allowing a counter attack.

Actually it is possible to get countered when using aerial circle. Also its easy to dodge =/
Made a few changes


Weapon: Enuo's Scourge
Glove: Giant's Gloves
Helm: Giant's Helm
Armour: Giant's Harness

Pride of the Titans: HP+750 BRV+100

Spirit Stanchion
Smiting Soul
HP = 100%
Empty EX gauge
Summon unsused (Player)
After Summon(opponent)
Pre-HP Damage (Player)
Near opponent (x2 version)
After 90 seconds
Force Begets Courage

Abilities (excluding basic essentials):
Jump boost ++
Omni Air Dash
Midair Evasion Boost
Concentration ++
Snooze and Lose

Bravery attacks:
O - Omni Block
i<O - High Block
iO> - Black hole

O - Omni Block
i<O - High Block
iO> - Reverse Polarity

HP Attacks:
O - Delta Attack
i<O - Almagest
iO> - Grand Cross

Same as above
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