Goshi Wrote:Character: Terra
Weapon: Stardust Rod
Gauntlet: Blue Moon
Helmet: Chaplet
Armor: Snowflake Sweater
Bonus: Snowpetal (Magic Counter Strength +300%, BRV Boost on Block +30%)
Pearl Necklace
Dragonfly Orb
Gold Hourglass
Player HP = 100%
Player Summon Unused
Player EX Mode
Player EX Mode
Enemy Break
Close to You
Omni Air Dash
Speed Boost+
Jump Times Boost (Need to master this at some point >_>)
Controlled Recovery
Midair Evasion Boost
Evasion Time Boost
EX Critical Boost (Need to master this too >_>)
EXP to EXP Force (Also need to master this >_>)
Land Brave Attacks:
Air Brave Attacks:
Holy Combo > Ultima
Blizzard Combo
Land HP Attacks:
Air HP Attacks:
The obvious focus is get into EX Mode as quick as possible and stay there. Once in EX Mode use the mightiest combo that Terra has available. Which for the record is: Graviga > Meteor > Holy Combo > Ultima. Doesn't work on some characters though (Mainly Firioniel).
I got absolutely raped by a friend with a build like this. I find it hard to time omni block with some of terra's moves, and she's near unstoppable in EX mode
Also, does anyone else besides me use Exdeath?
Wait. what?
anyways Images updated above.
Quote:I would suggest going for more multipliers instead of basics, and auto EX command and defense are wasted CP. All you have to do is tap O to do both. And remove your equip swords since you can already equip them, and grappling weapons too. Get rid of equip hairpins aswell and you'll have spare CP to spend on useful abilities.
i like the basics. i already told the hellgiver that.
Auto Exs are useful. I don't need to really equip anything else (besides i hate Button mashing sometimes)
Equip Swords / Grapple and hairpins are not equiped.
trademark91 Wrote:Chaos Panda Wrote:Only with xlink Kai.
The game tricks you by calling the adhoc multiplayer mode the 'online lobby'
lamesauce. but ill probably get it after i beat crisis core...
uh. if you have a PS3 theres a Option to play with Adhoc Party.
Quote:Also, does anyone else besides me use Exdeath?
Not my style. I like blocking but I don't like having almost no offensive abilities outside of blocks. However he is the one who FEELS THE VOID so I guess I should get him to level 100 at some point ==;
Syfe Wrote:Wait. what?
anyways Images updated above.
Quote:I would suggest going for more multipliers instead of basics, and auto EX command and defense are wasted CP. All you have to do is tap O to do both. And remove your equip swords since you can already equip them, and grappling weapons too. Get rid of equip hairpins aswell and you'll have spare CP to spend on useful abilities.
i like the basics. i already told the hellgiver that.
Auto Exs are useful. I don't need to really equip anything else (besides i hate Button mashing sometimes)
Equip Swords / Grapple and hairpins are not equiped.
trademark91 Wrote:Chaos Panda Wrote:Only with xlink Kai.
The game tricks you by calling the adhoc multiplayer mode the 'online lobby'
lamesauce. but ill probably get it after i beat crisis core...
uh. if you have a PS3 theres a Option to play with Adhoc Party.
nop soz, im a proud 360 owner. plus, i do most of my gaming on my laptop.
I need to get around beating inward chaos and the lunar whale course :/
trademark91 Wrote:Chaos Panda Wrote:Only with xlink Kai.
The game tricks you by calling the adhoc multiplayer mode the 'online lobby'
lamesauce. but ill probably get it after i beat crisis core...
Crisis Core! yea do that first.
nice thread chaos panda! ill post mine here soon, just trying to finish getting Firion to lv100......
Grey Ghost Wrote:trademark91 Wrote:Chaos Panda Wrote:Only with xlink Kai.
The game tricks you by calling the adhoc multiplayer mode the 'online lobby'
lamesauce. but ill probably get it after i beat crisis core...
Crisis Core! yea do that first.
nice thread chaos panda! ill post mine here soon, just trying to finish getting Firion to lv100......
You use Frioniel too? (By the way I really, REALLY prefer his original Japanese name from his US name which was shorten due to FFII english only allowing 6 letters anyway...)
You got any good advice for using him?
What I usually like to do is shield bash, and the technique where you fire and the enemy blocks it reflecting back to you and then shield bashing that reflected fire back.
Syfe Wrote:Wait. what?
anyways Images updated above.
Quote:I would suggest going for more multipliers instead of basics, and auto EX command and defense are wasted CP. All you have to do is tap O to do both. And remove your equip swords since you can already equip them, and grappling weapons too. Get rid of equip hairpins aswell and you'll have spare CP to spend on useful abilities.
i like the basics. i already told the hellgiver that.
Auto Exs are useful. I don't need to really equip anything else (besides i hate Button mashing sometimes)
Equip Swords / Grapple and hairpins are not equiped.
Sorry, must have misread the picture
Exdeath has some useful offensives. Reverse polarity, unless blocked by omni block or countered with another reverse polarity, will stagger the opponent allowing for a free hit, or to chain another reverse polarity on top of that. Although it is pretty weak. Black hole forces your opponent to keep dodging and dashing, so if you've got an offensive Exdeath setup with vacuum wave equipped, firing it will likely hit them while they're trying to get away from black hole. Also his tornado move reflects magic.
But his offensive-ness should revolve around counters since all his moves are twice as good on counter, especially with enuo's scourge granting guaranteed critical hits. Also it can be easy to get mage type characters stuck in a grand cross once you evade a spell
Firion has his uses but sometimes its hard to hit something.