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Syfe Wrote:Firion has his uses but sometimes its hard to hit something.

I can find it pretty easy to hit human players with Frioniel except with Straight Arrow and Reel Axe.
Sparker Wrote:
Syfe Wrote:Firion has his uses but sometimes its hard to hit something.

I can find it pretty easy to hit human players with Frioniel except with Straight Arrow and Reel Axe.

i find i can hit a human player with reel axe fine, but yea straight arrow is usless.
Its hard levelling firion at the start because he only has straight arrow, even the Exdeath levelling trick is hard because he'll dodge it easily.
Grey Ghost Wrote:
Sparker Wrote:
Syfe Wrote:Firion has his uses but sometimes its hard to hit something.

I can find it pretty easy to hit human players with Frioniel except with Straight Arrow and Reel Axe.

i find i can hit a human player with reel axe fine, but yea straight arrow is usless.

When he says human player he's generally referring to me >_>

I tend to be a dodge maniac. Going up against Firionel is annoying though since most of moves can't be blocked with normal guards >_<
character: cloud
look: alternative
level: 100 (m)


hp: 9665
cp: 450

brv: 1077
atk: 177
def: 184
luk: 60


land - sonic break (m)>finishing touch (m)

air - slashing blow (m)>omnislash version 5 (m)

land - meteorain (m)

air - braver (m)

basic abilities


ground evasion (m)
midair evasion (m)
ground block (m)
midair block (m)
aerial recovery (m)
recovery attack (m)
free air dash (m)
speed  boost++ (m)
controlled recovery (m)


always target indicator (m)
ex core lock on (m)
auto ex defence II (m)
evasion time boost (m)


bravery regen
sneak attack (m)
first strike (m)
disable cat nip
exp to bravery (m)
equip swords
equip gauntlets
equip ribbons
equip heavy armor


weapon - excalibur II [atk+67] [exp+100%]

hands - borghertz's hands [brv+40 def+72]

head - super ribbon [hp-307 brv+370] [accessory breakability-30%]

torso - maximillian [hp+2973] [physical defense+20%]


blazing totema [absorb ex force on summon] [summon recharge+2]

center of the world [ex intake range+2] [ex force absorbtion+15%] [ex core absorbtion]

destroyer [no chance - disables opponent's 'chance' effects]

first to victory [initial ex force+25%] [initial bravery+25%]

hero's seal [initial bravery+50%]

growth egg [experience value+20%]

growth egg

chocobo down [experience value+20%] [accessory breakability: 30%(negated by super ribbon)]

chocobo wing [experience value+50%] [accessory breakability: 30%(negated by super ribbon)]

chocobo feather [experience value+100%] [accessory breakability: 30%(negated by super ribbon)]


1 - alaxander
2 -demon wall
3 - ifrit

notes: this setup is basicly for gaining huge amounts of bravery after each successful hp attack. facing high level enemies i can gain 9999 bravery off my initial hp attack.
has anyone else here got all their characters to level 100 yet? i can't be the only one
Woah ALL characters??? You must be patient, the only ones I've got at 100 are Exdeath, Onion Knight, Firion, Golbez and Sephiroth
Chaos Panda Wrote:Woah ALL characters??? You must be patient, the only ones I've got at 100 are Exdeath, Onion Knight, Firion, Golbez and Sephiroth

I think he might've meant all the characters that person plans on using but every single character would take time.
For the curious I've gotten The Emperor, Cecil, Golbez, Terra and Squall all to 100. I don't use Empy as much as I use the other four though =/

Quote:super ribbon [hp-307 brv+370] [accessory breakability-30%]


I want one of these for my EXP to BRV builds but I can't muster the patience to get 99 trasmigodidus-howeverthefuckyouspellit

I suppose the normal ribbon is good enough but still... =(
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