Endless Paradigm

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I always get so sad when I think of all the animals that are there and
that they have no love. Sadist

That's why I can't go to them I want all of the animals.
あずみ Wrote:
.:ʕΘЯg@nʔ:. Wrote:私のペットを好まない何

hahaha  me too.... ( you know i know how to read that lol ).. actually i lie.. i have a pitt bull
[Image: DSCF0742.jpg]
  and he loves to bite people.. specially kids

i like to kick people especially kids
wee could get along
Rofl Hihi How mean... what did those little kids ever do to you!
Wee are in the Uk, they probably 'borrowed' our car and pissed on our dying grandmother in the street while uploading the video to YouTube.
they were born

nuff said

plus it makes me smile


Oh wow your from the UK?
Ive never been there I want to go really bad.

Is the majority of this forum from the UK?
I'm from Australia lol Aussie Aussie Aussie!!! I have 7 dogs, 6 snakes, 5 goanna's + 9 eggs, 5 chooks and lots of rats and mice...I think that's it.
dadudeondacouch Wrote:I'm from Australia lol Aussie Aussie Aussie!!! I have 7 dogs, 6 snakes, 5 goanna's + 9 eggs, 5 chooks and lots of rats and mice...I think that's it.


Wowwww that's a lot of animals!!!
I love animals...My brother and I have started breeding reptiles and they need food so wee breed rats and mice, wee have 4 dogs + one just had 3 puppies, there tiny jack russel X Fox Terrier's.
Wee have an injured black cockatoo at the moment too he got hit by a car and it kinda knocked him around.
Awe... Sadist

I hope he gets well soon...
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