Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Post A Pic Of Your Pet
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Poor Chubby,. :( may he RIP.

other dogs are ok?
Yea they should be okay, they were pretty sad though, they weren't there when wee did it but they can sense he's gone.
I just want to make sure they are in good health so I'm going to try setting up appointments for them as soon as i can.
[Image: 061222-giant-squid.jpg]
[Image: 1250u44.jpg]
My Cat High Off Nitrous... By the Way His Name Is Mogwai

[Image: o8gdty.jpg]
My Cat Again Playing Monster Hunter
Totally forgot about this thread

Our dog had puppies a few months ago

[Image: wiBiYWB.jpg?1]

Unfortunately wee could only keep one and here it is now

[Image: 0mMqBXE.jpg?1]
that's awesome! :D

what a coincedence, was with a friend of mine earlier today , wee went to his other friends house who had two pitbulls with colors just like your puppies :))

also... double you tee eff @ my previous post xD
That's pretty cute, Dan.
My dog died a few years ago.
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