Endless Paradigm

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.:ʕΘЯg@nʔ:. Wrote:私のペットを好まない何

Confused today organ?
Just having a little fun =)
.:ʕΘЯg@nʔ:. Wrote:私のペットを好まない何

hahaha  me too.... ( you know i know how to read that lol ).. actually i lie.. i have a pitt bull
[Image: DSCF0742.jpg]
  and he loves to bite people.. specially kids
LOL yeah I just use http://www.worldlingo.com/en/products_se...lator.html

I have to read lots of languages  LOL
aww that hamster is soooo cute :) I've had lots of pets over the years including mice, hamsters, a rat, a gecko, fish, dogs, a crow, a snake and a rabbit...now i only have a cat though.
his name is frodo and i got hime when he was 6 weeks old from the humane society. he'll be 6 years old in April ( same month as my b,day )

the catfather...he may look innocent but he'll have ur face off

[Image: thecatfatherpb6.jpg]

u lookin at me?

[Image: frodoeyesxq5.jpg]

my cat and my sisters puppy...cute aint it

[Image: frodoandbenjiwr9.jpg]

me and my boy

[Image: 4470889634a5800432421leo0.jpg]
[Image: michael-jackson-400a052307.jpg]
nicodemus82 Wrote:aww that hamster is soooo cute :) I've had lots of pets over the years including mice, hamsters, a rat, a gecko, fish, dogs, a crow, a snake and a rabbit...now i only have a cat though.
his name is frodo and i got hime when he was 6 weeks old from the humane society. he'll be 6 years old in April ( same month as my b,day )

the catfather...he may look innocent but he'll have ur face off

[Image: thecatfatherpb6.jpg]

u lookin at me?

[Image: frodoeyesxq5.jpg]

my cat and my sisters puppy...cute aint it

[Image: frodoandbenjiwr9.jpg]

me and my boy

[Image: 4470889634a5800432421leo0.jpg]

AWE that cat! He looks so CUTEEE!
Im sure he wouldn't rip my face off though. Im way too nice. Bathing
yeah, i lied. he's as soft as a brush really..when someone he doesn't know comes in the house, he runs and hides :) although if they try to touch him, he's been known to bite/scratch
when i first got him from the humane society they told me he didn't like to be touched especially on his paws and u should of seen what i looked like for the first year i had him... my arms were shredded to pieces. it looked like i'd been attacked by freddy kruger lol! even now I'm the only person he'll let pick him up..
nicodemus82 Wrote:yeah, i lied. he's as soft as a brush really..when someone he doesn't know comes in the house, he runs and hides :) although if they try to touch him, he's been known to bite/scratch
when i first got him from the humane society they told me he didn't like to be touched especially on his paws and u should of seen what i looked like for the first year i had him... my arms were shredded to pieces. it looked like i'd been attacked by freddy kruger lol! even now I'm the only person he'll let pick him up..
i want to do that, i want to adopt a cat or a dog from the humane society
yeah, u should. there's always plenty of animals that need good homes..
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