Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I'm contesting for admin at PSP-Hacks...
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Look how may mods are trying to be admin at PSP-Hacks:
[Image: untitledzd1.jpg]
[Image: clipboard03qr8.jpg]
too lazy to post the number of other users requesting to be mod/senior/whatever
- no offense intended towards p0Wer or belly0fdesire - this is just here for entertainment purposes

So... I decided to join the club...  except, if people are asking to be a moderator or administrator, why stop there?
[Image: untitledbu3.jpg]

So, support me in my endeavor to achieve this totally meaningful rank!!!  Post here, and I'll stick your name in my sig over at -Hacks :)
Lolz.. got extra space? advertise me too ^^
bah, please don't be corrupt, and serious like the other mods.
what's the differ with admin/mod on PSP-Hacks?? how much more power?
Don't know. You can change how the Forum looks?
wth does admin do at hacks anyway :P
I have no idea.

[edit]That's why I'm supporting you, Zinga. You're not like all the other stuck up mods on psp hacks.[/edit]

I don't think I'll be allowed on the site anymore. :p
That forum is jsut bullchocolate... serzly.. lotsa of people deserve senior/mod there... but nnooooo
the ppl don't deserve it gets chosen... they go for favourites more
like you, for example? :p

Don't like it there because mods seem to get special treatment. Like, Mods can sometimes post old things, and not get flamed. But if any ordinary user posts it, the mods flame away. Or if some Mod posts a sPa/\/\ topic, then it's okay with everybody, but if anyone else posts it, lock immediately.

Some mods/seniors/admins there are bias, and unfair.
Guest Wrote:i would support you if i could if u un ban me i will

that was me i forgot to log in
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