Hey Zinga, if I put it in my PSP Hacks sig, will you put "metal_gear08 for mod" in yours?
Well you got my name
but not even registerd there lol.
Ok everyone, I have been at -hacks for about a year now and they have ever made anyone mod/senior that hasn't been there for like a year or two. I really really don't think they are going to make any of you mods.
And the dumpiest thing anyone who wants to be a mod/senior is ask and/or make a thread asking about this. I have seen thing happen to many people and they just get flamed.
Very true.
I support this ban movement.
Zinger for Admin lol
aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yyaaaaaaaa...................
Double postmetal_gear08 love ya avtar thingy
zb do you think youll do it ???
lets hope so !!