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Vegetano1 Wrote:UPDATE:- Custom M33 VSH MENU thanks to Gadget!!:)
- Multiple memorystick icons
- fixxed All language problems ALL language's work now!
- fixxed 1 infobar theme menu for all language's!! except for small bug in portugueese menu,. :(
- removed clock shadow
- centered memorystick text shadow
- found new text Y position offsets for "submenu text" and "sub-sub settings menu text"!! :)
- minor bug,. sometimes selecting monthly color picture screen
  turns white,. just select twice and it will work.
Hmm ok cool thanks for the update
nicodemus82 Wrote:found a bug in this theme ( also in Sonic & Elfen lied theme)
when u use remote play and then press the home button to quit remote play, the text is all messed up and the actual option to quit remote play is pushed off screen so u can't quit :(

could you try the updated version i posted today,.?

the text should work now,.

the ofscreen option is that to the side or above or down screen,.?

i don't have remote play but should work fine,.?? please test the new update if you want to!?

EDIT: i think i found whot is wrong,. i will update in 2 days,. first i want to finish my Ergo Proxy theme,. ;)
if you can't leave remote try and switch to sleep mode with power switch and back on again,..
Vegetano1 Wrote:
Jomann Wrote:DUDE im gonna donate LOTS FOR THIS
...If you add a high rez wallpaper pack that you used for the bmps...

heheh you don't know how long it took me to make that 01-12.bmp

Donation is nice! but i am not going to make a wallpaper pack,. ;p

hmm i see, no $30 donation.. but ill give you something for the hard work :)
its gonna take a while cause my paypal is really gay and slow
Vegetano1 Wrote:could you try the updated version i posted today,.?

just tried the updated version and it's still the same.

[Image: screenshot001kw1.png]

as u can see, there is text that's overlapping the other text. also when u select the top option to quit remote play, it does the action of the option below it instead..
the only way i can quit remote play is to power the PSP off or switch off the wlan switch but then the PS3 stays in remote play mode and u can't go back into remote play with the PSP until u manually go out of remote play from the PS3.
nicodemus82 Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:could you try the updated version i posted today,.?

just tried the updated version and it's still the same.

[Image: screenshot001kw1.png]

as u can see, there is text that's overlapping the other text. also when u select the top option to quit remote play, it does the action of the option below it instead..
the only way i can quit remote play is to power the PSP off or switch off the wlan switch but then the PS3 stays in remote play mode and u can't go back into remote play with the PSP until u manually go out of remote play from the PS3.

yeah i think i know whot the problem is,.. but i won't be able to update untill tomorrow,. or tonight,. first got to finish a new theme,. ;p

Thanks for testing!! and screenshot!

if you could test the FFXIII theme i think that theme works with remote play,. if remote works in FFXIII then i know whots wrong,. ;)
UPDATE 30 July 2008:- Fixxed remote play!
thanks for the fix
I am having a hard time installing the CTF theme. :(

Whatever it doesn't show up under themes at all! This is my first time installing a CTF theme by the way.

EDIT: Also, CTF can't brick a PSP, right? Can I like put a theme in, then switch memory cards like normal as if it was just a regular theme? Or do I have to keep that memory stick in there while the theme is in?
furix Wrote:I am having a hard time installing the CTF theme. :(

Whatever it doesn't show up under themes at all! This is my first time installing a CTF theme by the way.

EDIT: Also, CTF can't brick a PSP, right? Can I like put a theme in, then switch memory cards like normal as if it was just a regular theme? Or do I have to keep that memory stick in there while the theme is in?

when you copied the ctf content to your memorystick
you have 2 extra folders: cxmb and seplugins and the theme is copied to MS0:/PSP/theme

once you did this,. you go into recovery menu>> hold power switch 5 seconds untill PSP is completely off,. now hold right trigger and turn PSP on,. now you come into recovery menu,.. goto plugins and enable CXMB plugin
exit recovery and go to your theme menu in the XMB the theme should be there just like ptf theme's but now it is ctf theme's,.

if you switch memorystick make sure you got cxmb in the other memstick and the theme too,.
I did all that, but it doesn't show. :(

I am on 3.90m33-3 by the way.

EDIT: Well, I am updating to 4.01m33 now, hopefully that works then. I wasn't too sure if I wanted to update yet since I am not sure if my emulators will still work, but here goes nothing. :s

Final Edit: Haha, got it working, i finally updated to 4.01m33, I didn't know ctf themes required you to be in specific versions. Hmm.. can I still run themes that were before 4.01m33?
UPDATE 31 July 2008:- Go!messenger fixxed
                                                             New scroll for folders in submenu's
:twothumbs: All theme's updated,. sure hope this is the last update,.  :/
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