Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [5.00m33] *LUCKY STAR*
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aaaaaaaaah, I'm 5MB short for the theme!!

double you tee eff do I do?
Senseito Sakura Wrote:aaaaaaaaah, I'm 5MB short for the theme!!

double you tee eff do I do?

use the CXMB version! CXMB is included you only have to copy the contents to memorystick and then go into recovery and enable CXMB plugin,. then in theme menu in XMB you can select the theme,.!

or buy a SLIM,. ;p 20 mb free flash0,.

great... I has no fudging backups lol...

Can I delete:


or any of the ltn files?
Senseito Sakura Wrote:V__V

great... I has no fudging backups lol...

Can I delete:


or any of the ltn files?

did you use the fat install files i included,.!? dic dummy files,.!?

RULE no1: make a back-up of your flash0 when you installed a custom firmware,...
Vegetano1 Wrote:
Senseito Sakura Wrote:V__V

great... I has no fudging backups lol...

Can I delete:


or any of the ltn files?

did you use the fat install files i included,.!? dic dummy files,.!?

RULE no1: make a back-up of your flash0 when you installed a custom firmware,...

I've generally failed so far today, so no surprise, it keeps crashing on boot, I'll look for a backup for 4.01m33 Knock-knock
the theme is thee shit. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DD::D:D:D:DGD:H:DTHNDEUSnDH:USN
This theme is Inluv
WOOOOOT you finished YAAAY...can't wait to check it out :D
awesomeness me wants <3
Thanks SkyDX and Schmilk! :)

i like the gameboot although i have no clue whot they are singing,. lol maybe the gameboot starts like in the midlle of a word,.. ;p

Also like the go-cam menu! because you can change almost all in the camera_plugin.rco!!

also thanks to Senseito Sakura for finding picture's so i would know whot was Lucky Star and whot not,. ;) never seen this anime but i needed a theme for this theme,. O_o :)

Currently converting to Sonic theme,. for someone,.. although i dunno if i want to release that sonic theme,. because he PM me that he would ask $50 for it from his brother,. O_o o_O ,..... ughhhhh
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