I somehow fully bricked my PSP......................................................................................................................
I had a bad morning with Tech in general this morning, lesson learnt, don't be too rushy Danny Boy...
I had to use Pandora for the first time, its like a Miracle isn't it!?
Anyway I just updated, stuck on the CTF............. pure awesomeness... gorgeousness!!
Senseito Sakura Wrote:I somehow fully bricked my PSP......................................................................................................................
I had a bad morning with Tech in general this morning, lesson learnt, don't be too rushy Danny Boy...
I had to use Pandora for the first time, its like a Miracle isn't it!?
Anyway I just updated, stuck on the CTF............. pure awesomeness... gorgeousness!!
OMG i am glad you fixxed your PSP,. !!
How did youlike the gameboot ?1? ;p
My PSP is still bricked after 5 weeks...
the system boot is just awesome. and you made me want to watch lucky star again, SO BADLY and i can't now :(
the gameboot is very awesome as well but nothing beats konata's huge face greeting you when you power up ur psp :P
Awesome theme, gotta try it out now!
nylanrd4 Wrote:the system boot is just awesome. and you made me want to watch lucky star again, SO BADLY and i can't now :(
the gameboot is very awesome as well but nothing beats konata's huge face greeting you when you power up ur psp :P
If you hold the "right trigger" while pressing reboot the PSP will turn off,. ;)
lol yes HUGE! its the same size as the first month color,. ;p
GLAD you all like the theme
i like the gameboot! best gameboot i ever made!
like the go-cam menu!! and musicplayer menu,. like all menu's,. ;p
OSK worked out fine too!
I did not test the theme when i released the theme,. but all works fine!
i was up 2 days trying to finish this theme and also made the sonic version! :),.. V1 goes back to bed!

DUDE im gonna donate LOTS FOR THIS
...If you add a high rez wallpaper pack that you used for the bmps...
Jomann Wrote:DUDE im gonna donate LOTS FOR THIS
...If you add a high rez wallpaper pack that you used for the bmps...
heheh you don't know how long it took me to make that 01-12.bmp
Donation is nice! but i am not going to make a wallpaper pack,. ;p
UPDATE:- Custom M33 VSH MENU thanks to Gadget!!:)
- Multiple memorystick icons
- fixxed All language problems ALL language's work now!
- fixxed 1 infobar theme menu for all language's!! except for small bug in portugueese menu,. :(
- removed clock shadow
- centered memorystick text shadow
- found new text Y position offsets for "submenu text" and "sub-sub settings menu text"!! :)
- minor bug,. sometimes selecting monthly color picture screen
turns white,. just select twice and it will work.
found a bug in this theme ( also in Sonic & Elfen lied theme)
when u use remote play and then press the home button to quit remote play, the text is all messed up and the actual option to quit remote play is pushed off screen so u can't quit :(