Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Challenge to DreamArts
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So as the title says this is a challenge from Tainted Nights to one of our fellow graphics teams Dream Arts; here at E.P.

So, supposedly this is to a freestyle un-named sig battle (to prevent biased votes) which ALL members of Tainted Nights and Dream Arts to attend (if someone doesn't respond then its up to the team leader to decide what to do with them)

as far as i know, this is supposedly an all out sig battle which means its all in one voting thread, and the winner is the people from one team with the most votes

The entries start now, and voting starts until everyone is ready (but try not to prolong it over 2+ weeks, or wee may start without you....... and wee will be angry! Burning XD )

Entering is done by saying your ready in this thread (it REALLY helps identifying in whos entered and who hasn't yet) and pming mehakker or sensei (its better if you pm it to your sig leader) with your sigs; and then when everyone is ready the voting thread will be made

Until one of the team leaders says so, these are the rules.

Everyone has fun with healthy competition, so lets begin shall wee?
ek. Freestyle. . .
OHH!!!!! MEEE!!!*&&!&!&!(*!#U*(!#!#*!
i did some changes, re-read if you've read already XD

i don't know EXACTLY how Nacos and Mehakker wanted it, so this is my simple deduction of what they said so it will be changed accordingly if i got it wrong :P
i didnt read...lol

bring it on.
Chaoticgamer Wrote:i didnt read...lol

bring it on.

LULZ, well get making your sig then ;) (make sure its unamed)

ill probably make mine tommorrow or today; im brainstorming right now of what i should do......
Tetris999 Wrote:
Chaoticgamer Wrote:i didnt read...lol

bring it on.

LULZ, well get making your sig then ;) (make sure its unamed)

ill probably make mine tommorrow or today; im brainstorming right now of what i should do......

This should have been a team collab LP battle. one entry per team. the whole team adds to the LP as a collab
diego Wrote:
Tetris999 Wrote:
Chaoticgamer Wrote:i didnt read...lol

bring it on.

LULZ, well get making your sig then ;) (make sure its unamed)

ill probably make mine tommorrow or today; im brainstorming right now of what i should do......

This should have been a team collab LP battle. one entry per team. the whole team adds to the LP as a collab

great idea!
wee are gonna have to let the team leaders upload all the sig to theri own personal photo account if you really want to prevent unbiased votes because if you click properities on my sigs it points to my photobucket account which is azumiuehara so everyone will know lol... i imagine most peoples will be the same so....
this is gonna be fun....

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