Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Challenge to DreamArts
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Senseito Sakura Wrote:I, don't.

That will not work out for a number of reasons, to name a couple - multiple ideas will clash because there are too many people working on the same thing and having everyone take their time to wait for the next update or have their turn will make it so long, that you can forget about your 2 week wish.

Until MehHakker has confirmed he wishes to start this battle, this is unofficial.

I will say, however, that once MehHakker has confirmed...

It's On.
Whatever you say.

I have my opinion, that's yours.
Mc Cabe Wrote:prepare to be BEATEN!!!


tainted nights,..gooo!!!

if any of team still have space for a member please inform me i like to join in the team although i know I'm not that good but I'm willing to learn.
vinrose67 Wrote:if any of team still have space for a member please inform me i like to join in the team although i know I'm not that good but I'm willing to learn.

Just keep practicing, post your sigs on the Graphics forum, and when one of the teams thinks your good enough, they'll recruit you.
thanks bro senseito sakura!
*Cracks Knuckles*.. Lets Go This.

Wee got to make sure wee have the same number of active members.. how much does DA have?
^__________^ who am i battling?

I presume the pics wil be uploaded with random names, I can do that, then wee'll have a thread with all entries.. if for example wee have a total of 12, each will get a number and people can choose up to 6 to vote for,,
Nacos Wrote:*Cracks Knuckles*.. Lets Go This.

Wee got to make sure wee have the same number of active members.. how much does DA have?

I'm expecting all of you to participate..

If you can't, let me know how many of us are needed.

R!KKU Wrote:^__________^ who am i battling?

that'll be decided when wee know how many and who wee'll be battling..

MehHakker hasn't appeared yet..
who's already done? i don't want to think I've rushed a little so I'm waiting for others to finish....
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